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使用条款 Studydestiny Terms of USE 1. GENERAL Studydestiny, Inc. ("Studydestiny") provides services through its websites, programs and computer servers, forums, and email forwarding. (All such services are referred to collectively herein as "Studydestiny.") By accessing or using Studydestiny, you are a "user" and you accept and agree to the terms below (the "Terms of Use" or "TOU") as a legal contract between you and Studydestiny. The TOU include and incorporate additional terms ("guidelines") applicable to particular categories or services available on Studydestiny as set forth to users upon access to such categories or services. Studydestiny may post changes to the TOU at any time, and any such changes will be applicable to all subsequent access to or use of Studydestiny. If you do not accept and agree to all provisions of the TOU, now or in the future, you may reject the TOU by immediately terminating all access and use of Studydestiny, in which case any continuing access or use of Studydestiny is unauthorized. You are also required to comply with, and to ensure compliance with, all laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to your activities on Studydestiny. The TOU grant you a limited, revocable, nonexclusive license to access Studydestiny and use Studydestiny, in whole or in part, including but not limited to Studydestiny intellectual property therein, solely in compliance with the TOU. "Studydestiny" is trademark of Studydestiny and are protected by Korea and international laws. The TOU do not authorize you to use " Studydestiny," or any similar or related marks (including, for example and without limitation, " Studydestiny," "destiny," "study destiny") for any use pertaining to classified advertising, Internet advertising, social networks, online forums, online communication services or any similar or related use, or any other use that is likely to cause confusion on the part of, to cause mistake by or to deceive the public as to any affiliation, connection, association, origin, sponsorship, approval or endorsement by or with Studydestiny. 2. MODERATION Studydestiny has the right, but not the obligation, to regulate content (which includes but is not limited to postings, text, code, images, video, binary files, ads, accounts, account information, flags, emails, messages and any other user communications ("content")) posted to, stored on or transmitted via Studydestiny by any user (or any other third party in any manner); to regulate conduct (including but not limited to any authorized or unauthorized access to or use of Studydestiny) by any user (or any other third party in any manner); and to enforce the TOU, for any reason and in any manner or by any means that Studydestiny, in its sole discretion, deems necessary or appropriate (including but not limited to automated and manual screening, blocking, filtering, exclusion from index pages, exclusion from search results, requiring the use of an application programming interface (API), requiring the use of a bulk posting interface, authorization, verification, and the deletion and/or termination of content, accounts and/or all or any use or access). Studydestiny may, in its sole discretion and without notice, start, stop or modify any regulation or enforcement measures at any time. Studydestiny action or inaction to regulate content or conduct or to enforce against any potential violation of the TOU by any user (or any other third party) does not waive Studydestiny's right to implement or not implement regulation or enforcement measures with respect to any subsequent or similar content, conduct or potential TOU violation. You also understand and agree that any action or inaction by Studydestiny or any of its directors, officers, stockholders, employees, consultants, agents or representatives (collectively, " Studydestiny Representatives") to prevent, restrict, redress or regulate content, or to implement other enforcement measures against any content, conduct or potential TOU violation is undertaken voluntarily and in good faith, and you expressly agree that neither Studydestiny nor any Studydestiny Representative shall be liable to you or anyone else for any action or inaction to prevent, restrict, redress, or regulate content, or to implement other enforcement measures against any content, conduct or potential violation of the TOU. Although Studydestiny Representatives may moderate content, conduct and TOU compliance on Studydestiny at Studydestiny's discretion, Studydestiny Representatives have no authority to make binding commitments, promises or representations to anyone that they or anyone else on behalf of Studydestiny will "take care" of any alleged problem or complaint, or that they or anyone else on behalf of Studydestiny will otherwise stop, cure or prevent any problem, content, conduct or purported TOU violation from occurring or recurring. Accordingly, you further agree that any representation (written or verbal) by any Studydestiny Representative (or by anyone else acting on behalf of Studydestiny or by anyone purportedly acting on behalf of Studydestiny) that Studydestiny (including but not limited to any Studydestiny Representative, anyone else acting on behalf of Studydestiny, or anyone purportedly acting on behalf of Studydestiny) would or would not prevent, restrict, redress or regulate content (including, without limitation, screen, block, moderate, review, remove, terminate, delete, edit or otherwise stop, cure or exclude any content), or to implement other enforcement measures against any content, conduct or potential or purported TOU violation is superseded by this provision and is nonbinding and unenforceable. Specifically, you agree that Studydestiny, Studydestiny Representatives and anyone else authorized to act on behalf of Studydestiny shall in no circumstance be liable as a result of any representation that Studydestiny, a Studydestiny Representative or anyone else on behalf of Studydestiny would or would not restrict or redress any content, conduct or potential or purported TOU violation. This paragraph may not be modified, waived or released except by a written agreement, dated and signed by Studydestiny's Chief Executive Officer and dated and signed by the individual or entity to whom the modification, waiver or release is granted. Studydestiny also has the right in its sole discretion to limit, modify, interrupt, suspend or discontinue all or any portions of Studydestiny at any time without notice. Studydestiny and Studydestiny Representatives shall not be liable for any such limitations, modifications, interruptions, suspensions or discontinuance, or any purported losses, harm or damages arising from or related thereto. 3. CONTENT AND CONDUCT a. Content Studydestiny does not control, is not responsible for and makes no representations or warranties with respect to any user content. You are solely responsible for your access to, use of and/or reliance on any user content. You must conduct any necessary, appropriate, prudent or judicious investigation, inquiry, research and due diligence with respect to any user content. You are also responsible for any content that you post or transmit and, if you create an account, you are responsible for all content posted or transmitted through or by use of your account. Content prohibited from Studydestiny includes but is not limited to: (1) illegal content; (2) content in facilitation of the creation, advertising, distribution, provision or receipt of illegal goods or services; (3) offensive content (including, without limitation, defamatory, threatening, hateful or pornographic content); (4) content that discloses another's personal, confidential or proprietary information; (5) false or fraudulent content (including but not limited to false, fraudulent or misleading responses to user ads transmitted via Studydestiny); (6) malicious content (including, without limitation, malware or spyware); (7) content that offers, promotes, advertises, or provides links to posting or auto-posting products or services, account creation or auto-creation products or services, flagging or auto-flagging products or services, bulk telephone numbers, or any other product or service that if utilized with respect to Studydestiny would violate these TOU or Studydestiny 's other legal rights; and (8) content that offers, promotes, advertises or provides links to unsolicited products or services. Other content prohibitions are set forth in guidelines for particular categories or services on Studydestiny and all such prohibitions are expressly incorporated into these TOU as stated in section 1 above. You automatically grant and assign to Studydestiny, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant and assign to Studydestiny, a perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited, fully paid, fully sub-licensable (through multiple tiers), worldwide license to copy, perform, display, distribute, prepare derivative works from (including, without limitation, incorporating into other works) and otherwise use any content that you post. You also expressly grant and assign to Studydestiny all rights and causes of action to prohibit and enforce against any unauthorized copying, performance, display, distribution, use or exploitation of, or creation of derivative works from, any content that you post (including but not limited to any unauthorized downloading, extraction, harvesting, collection or aggregation of content that you post). You agree to indemnify and hold Studydestiny and Studydestiny Representatives harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of: (a) content that you post or transmit (including but not limited to content that a third-party deems defamatory or otherwise harmful or offensive); (b) activity that occurs through or by use of your account (including, without limitation, all content posted or transmitted); (c) your use of or reliance on any user content; and (d) your violation of the TOU. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Studydestiny or Studydestiny Representatives. b. Conduct Studydestiny does not control, is not responsible for and makes no representations or warranties with respect to any user or user conduct. You are solely responsible for your interaction with or reliance on any user or user conduct. You must perform any necessary, appropriate, prudent or judicious investigation, inquiry, research and due diligence with respect to any user or user conduct. You are also responsible for your own conduct and activities on, through or related to Studydestiny, and, if you create an account on Studydestiny, you are responsible for all conduct or activities on, through or by use of your account. You agree to indemnify and hold Studydestiny and Studydestiny Representatives harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of your own conduct or activities on, through or related to Studydestiny or Studydestiny, and related to or arising out of any conduct or activities on, through or by use of your Studydestiny account, if any. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Studydestiny or Studydestiny Representatives. 4. POSTING AND ACCOUNTS This section 4 applies to all uses and users of Studydestiny, unless Studydestiny has specifically authorized an exception to a particular term for a particular user in a written agreement. Studydestiny has sole and absolute discretion to authorize or deny any exception or exceptions to the terms in this section 4. a. Postings Studydestiny is intended and designed as an International service. The same or substantially similar content (for example, an ad for a particular item or service, a particular offer, a particular message or a particular comment). The same or substantially similar content may not be posted in more than one Studydestiny category. A user may post content only in the single Studydestiny category to which it is most relevant, and must not post content to inappropriate categories. For example, content advertising classes or vocational training must be posted under the "classes" category of the "community" section and may not be posted in any "jobs" category. Likewise, content advertising auto financing must be posted under the "financial" category of the "services" sections and not under "cars/trucks" category in the "for sale" section. Similarly, services relating to real estate must be posted under "real estate" category of the "services" section and may not be posted to any category within the "housing" section. A user may post the same or substantially similar content no more than once every 48 hours. Where a Studydestiny category provides specific subcategories for posts by particular types of users (e.g., car sales "by-owners" versus "by-dealers," and real estate for sale "by-owner" versus "by-broker"), a user may post content only in the single user sub-category most accurate for that user. In particular, no user acting as a broker, agent or dealer may post in any "by owner" category. Users may not circumvent any technological measure implemented by CL to restrict the manner in which content may be posted on Studydestiny or to regulate the manner in which content (including but not limited to email) may be transmitted to other users. This prohibition includes, without limitation, a ban on the use of multiple email addresses (created via an email address generator or otherwise); the use of multiple IP addresses (via proxy servers, modem toggling, or otherwise); CAPTCHA circumvention, automation or outsourcing; multiple and/or fraudulent Studydestiny accounts, including phone-verified accounts; URL shortening, obfuscation or redirection; use of multiple phone lines or phone forwarding for verification; and content obfuscation via HTML techniques, printing text on images, inserting random text or content "spinning." It is expressly prohibited for any third party to post content to Studydestiny on behalf of another. Users must post content only on their own behalf, and may not permit, enable, induce or encourage any third party to post content for them. It is expressly prohibited to post content to Studydestiny using any automated means. Users must post all content personally and manually through all steps of the posting process. It is also expressly prohibited for any user to develop, offer, market, sell, distribute or provide an automated means to perform any step of the posting process (in whole or in part). Any user who develops, offers, markets, sells, distributes or provides an automated means to perform any step of the posting process (in whole or in part) shall be responsible and liable to CL for each instance of access to Studydestiny (by any user or other third party) using that automated means. Affiliate marketing is expressly prohibited on Studydestiny. Users may not post content or communicate with any Studydestiny user for purposes of affiliate marketing or in connection with any affiliate marketing system, scheme or program in any manner or under any circumstance. b. Accounts A user may maintain and use no more than one account, including a telephone or phone-verified account ("PVA"), to post content. A user specifically may not create or use additional accounts for the purpose of circumventing technological restrictions (security measures) in the posting process or otherwise for posting content in violation of the TOU. A user may create an account, including a PVA, only on his/her own behalf. A user must not permit, enable, induce or encourage others to create accounts or PVAs for him/her. The creation of accounts or PVAs for others is expressly prohibited. A user must only use his/her own account or PVA, and may not use any account or PVA of another. The purchase and sale of accounts, including but not limited to PVAs, is expressly prohibited. A user must create his/her account or PVA personally and manually and may not create accounts or PVAs by any automated means. Without limitation, this includes the obligation that the user personally and manually solves any CAPTCHA challenge in the account creation process. Further, a user must create any PVA using his/her own valid telephone number. The creation of a PVA using a telephone number that is not the user's own, a telephonic forwarding service or system, or a temporary/disposable telephone number or service is expressly prohibited. The circumvention of any technological restriction or security measure in the account creation or PVA creation process is also expressly prohibited. c. Flagging A user shall not "flag" (or otherwise seek removal of) content on Studydestiny without a personal, good-faith belief that the content violates the TOU. A user may flag content only on his/her own behalf. A user must not permit, enable, induce or encourage others to flag content for them. A user must not flag content for others. A user may flag a specific item of content only once. A user flagging content must do so manually and may not employ any automated means, products (including, without limitation, software programs) or services to flag content. A user must not circumvent any technological restrictions (security measures) in the flagging process. Without limitation, this prohibition includes a ban on the use of multiple IP addresses for flagging (by use of proxy servers or any means whatsoever). 5. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS AND ACTIVITIES This section 5 applies to all uses and users of Studydestiny, unless Studydestiny has specifically authorized an exception to a particular term for a particular user in a written agreement. Studydestiny has sole and absolute discretion to authorize or deny any exception or exceptions to the terms in this section 5. To maintain the integrity and functionality of Studydestiny for its users, access to Studydestiny and/or activities related to Studydestiny that are harmful to, inconsistent with or disruptive of Studydestiny and/or its users' beneficial use and enjoyment of Studydestiny are expressly unauthorized and prohibited. For example, without limitation: The collection of Studydestiny users' personal information (including but not limited to email addresses, IP addresses and telephone numbers) is not allowed for any purpose. Any copying, aggregation, display, distribution, performance or derivative use of Studydestiny or any content posted on Studydestiny whether done directly or through intermediaries (including but not limited to by means of spiders, robots, crawlers, scrapers, framing, iframes or RSS feeds) is prohibited. As a limited exception, general purpose Internet search engines and noncommercial public archives will be entitled to access Studydestiny without individual written agreements executed with Studydestiny that specifically authorize an exception to this prohibition if, in all cases and individual instances: (a) they provide a direct hyperlink to the relevant Studydestiny website, service, forum or content; (b) they access Studydestiny from a stable IP address using an easily identifiable agent; and (c) they comply with Studydestiny's robots.txt file; provided however, that Studydestiny may terminate this limited exception as to any search engine or public archive (or any person or entity relying on this provision to access Studydestiny without their own written agreement executed with Studydestiny), at any time and in its sole discretion, upon written notice, including, without limitation, by email notice. Any access to or use of Studydestiny to design, develop, test, update, operate, modify, maintain, support, market, advertise, distribute or otherwise make available any program, application or service (including, without limitation, any device, technology, product, computer program, mobile device application, website, or mechanical or personal service) that enables or provides access to, use of, operation of or interoperation with Studydestiny (including, without limitation, to access content, post content, cross-post content, re-post content, respond or reply to content, verify content, transmit content, create accounts, verify accounts, use accounts, circumvent and/or automate technological security measures or restrictions, or flag content) is prohibited. This prohibition specifically applies but is not limited to software, programs, applications and services for use or operation on or by any computer and/or any electronic, wireless and/or mobile device, technology or product that exists now or in the future. If you access Studydestiny or copy, display, distribute, perform or create derivative works from Studydestiny webpages or other Studydestiny intellectual property in violation of the TOU or for purposes inconsistent with the TOU, your access, copying, display, distribution, performance or derivative work is unauthorized. Circumvention of any technological restriction or security measure on Studydestiny or any provision of the TOU that restricts content, conduct, accounts or access is expressly prohibited. For purposes of this paragraph, you agree that cached copies of Studydestiny webpages on your computer or computer server constitute "copies" under the Copyright Act, 17 Korean laws. § 101. For purposes of this paragraph, you further agree that CAPTCHAs and telephone verification are "technological measures" that effectively control access to copyright-protected components and rights of Studydestiny pursuant to 17 Korean laws. § 1201. Any effort to decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer all or any part of Studydestiny in order to identify, acquire, copy or emulate any source code or object code is expressly prohibited. Any activities (including but not limited to posting voluminous content) that are inconsistent with use of Studydestiny in compliance with the TOU or that may impair or interfere with the integrity, functionality, performance, usefulness, usability, signal-to-noise ratio or quality of all or any part of Studydestiny in any manner are expressly prohibited. Any attempt (whether or not successful) to engage in, or to enable, induce, encourage, cause or assist anyone else to engage in, any of the above unauthorized and prohibited access and activities is also expressly prohibited and is a violation of the TOU. 6. USER COMMUNICATIONS, TRANSACTIONS, INTERACTIONS, DISPUTES AND RELATIONS Studydestiny and Studydestiny Representatives are not parties to, have no involvement or interest in, make no representations or warranties as to, and have no responsibility or liability with respect to any communications, transactions, interactions, disputes or any relations whatsoever between you and any other user, person or organization ("your interactions with others"). You must conduct any necessary, appropriate, prudent or judicious investigation, inquiry, research or due diligence with respect to your interactions with others. You agree to indemnify and hold Studydestiny and Studydestiny Representatives harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of your interactions with others. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Studydestiny or Studydestiny Representatives. 7. FEES Studydestiny may charge a fee to post content or for other features, products, services or licenses. You are responsible to Studydestiny for any fees applicable to content that you post or other features, products, services or licenses you purchase or that are purchased through your account. You authorize Studydestiny, or its designated payment processor, to charge your specified credit card, debit card or other payment method for such fees. All fees are varying from countries to countries and all charges will be varying from countries to countries. Any applicable sales or other taxes are additional to the stated fee. Currency exchange settlements and foreign transaction fees are based on your agreement with your credit card or other payment method provider. Except as required by law, all fees are nonrefundable, including, without limitation, in situations where paid posts are removed by Studydestiny or by community flagging. Payments and purchases may not be canceled by the user, except as required by law. However, Studydestiny reserves the right to refuse or terminate any purchase or attempted purchase at any time in its sole discretion. You understand and agree that if you authorize a payment transaction with your credit card, debit card or other payment method, but your charge is rejected for any reason, there may be a hold on your use of that transaction amount for several days. 8. DISCLAIMERS YOUR ACCESS TO, USE OF AND RELIANCE ON Studydestiny AND CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Studydestiny (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WEBSITES, PROGRAMS, SERVICES, FORUMS AND CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH THE WEBSITES, PROGRAMS, SERVICES AND FORUMS) IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" OR "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS) ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, Studydestiny ALSO DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES FOR OR WITH RESPECT TO: (a) THE SECURITY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS, ACCURACY AND PERFORMANCE OF Studydestiny AND CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny; (b) COMPUTER WORMS, VIRUSES, SPYWARE, ADWARE AND ANY OTHER MALWARE, MALICIOUS CODE OR HARMFUL CONTENT OR COMPONENTS ACCESSED, RECEIVED OR DISSEMINATED THROUGH, RELATED TO OR AS A RESULT OF Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny; (c) ANY TRANSACTIONS OR POTENTIAL TRANSACTIONS, GOODS OR SERVICES PROMISED OR EXCHANGED, INFORMATION OR ADVICE OFFERED OR EXCHANGED, OR OTHER CONTENT, INTERACTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS OR COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH, RELATED TO OR AS A RESULT OF USE OF Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ACCESSED THROUGH ANY LINKS ON Studydestiny OR IN CONTENT). THESE DISCLAIMERS SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of implied warranties. In such jurisdictions, some of the foregoing disclaimers as to implied warranties may not apply. 9. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Studydestiny AND THE Studydestiny REPRESENTATIVES SHALL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACCESS TO, USE OF OR RELIANCE ON Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE, OR FOR ANY TRANSACTIONS, COMMUNICATIONS, INTERACTIONS, DISPUTES OR RELATIONS BETWEEN YOU AND ANY OTHER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIABILITY FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AS WELL AS FOR ANY HARM, INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCURRED BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, STATUTORY, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, EVEN IF Studydestiny OR ANY Studydestiny REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES). THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY APPLIES REGARDLESS OF, BUT IS NOT RESTRICTED TO, WHETHER THE ALLEGED LIABILITY, HARM, INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGES AROSE FROM AUTHORIZED OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny; ANY INABILITY TO ACCESS OR USE Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny; OR ANY REMOVAL, DELETION, LIMITATION, MODIFICATION, INTERRUPTION, SUSPENSION, DISCONTINUANCE OR TERMINATION OF Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL ALSO APPLY WITH RESPECT TO DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY TRANSACTIONS OR POTENTIAL TRANSACTIONS, GOODS OR SERVICES PROMISED OR EXCHANGED, INFORMATION OR ADVICE OFFERED OR EXCHANGED, OR OTHER CONTENT, INTERACTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS OR RELATIONS THROUGH, RELATED TO OR AS A RESULT OF Studydestiny OR CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY LINKS ON Studydestiny AND LINKS IN CONTENT ACCESSED THROUGH Studydestiny). You hereby release Studydestiny and each of the Studydestiny Representatives, and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, predecessors, assigns, heirs, service providers and suppliers, from all claims, demands and damages of every kind and nature, known and unknown, direct and indirect, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to Studydestiny or content accessed through Studydestiny, or any interactions with others arising out of or related to Studydestiny or content accessed through Studydestiny, and you expressly waive the provisions of Korea Civil Code (and any similar laws in other jurisdictions), which provides: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 10. NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement or that your intellectual property rights (including trademark rights) have been otherwise violated, please follow the directions for written notice at: 11. INJUNCTIVE RELIEF You acknowledge and agree that any violation or breach of the TOU may cause Studydestiny immediate and irreparable harm and damages; consequently, notwithstanding any other provision of the TOU or other applicable legal requirements, Studydestiny has the right to, and may in its discretion, immediately obtain preliminary injunctive relief (including, without limitation, temporary restraining orders) and seek permanent injunctive relief regarding any violation or breach of the TOU. In addition to any and all other remedies available to Studydestiny in law or in equity, Studydestiny may seek specific performance of any term in the TOU, including but not limited to by preliminary or permanent injunction. 12. DAMAGES In addition to any injunctive relief, you agree to pay to Studydestiny the total amount of all actual damages (including but not limited to direct, indirect, consequential and incidental damages) caused by any violation of the TOU for which you bear responsibility; EXCEPT you acknowledge that, for certain TOU violations, actual damages would be extremely difficult or impossible to quantify. Consequently, for such TOU violations, you agree to pay liquidated damages to Studydestiny as described in the following schedule: Furthermore you agree that the amounts of liquidated damages described therein are reasonable estimates of Studydestiny's damages for such violations, and that liquidated damages for violations of the TOU are and will be cumulative. 13. PRIVACY Studydestiny has established a privacy policy covering the collection, use, and disclosure of user information: 14. MISCELLANEOUS These TOU constitute the entire agreement between you and Studydestiny and supersede any prior written or oral agreement. Other than the Studydestiny Representatives (who are expressly included as named third-party beneficiaries of the TOU), there are no third-party beneficiaries to the TOU. Any and all claims, causes of action or disputes (regardless of theory) between you and Studydestiny arising out of or related to the TOU, Studydestiny or content accessed through Studydestiny shall be governed by the laws of Korea without regard to conflict or choice of law principles. You and Studydestiny agree that any such claims, causes of action or disputes shall be brought exclusively in courts located within Korea, and you and Studydestiny agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. You further agree that, regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, you must file any such claim or cause of action within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. If any provision of the TOU is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, all other provisions of the TOU shall remain in full force and effect. 15. FEEDBACK Comments on these TOU are welcome in the Studydestiny feedback forum: