專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 英國

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City University London

相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 120人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +44 1273 876040
  • Fax
  • Address
  • 102 Cobb St, London, Greater London E1 7EZ, US


  • 大都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画


  • - 世界大学前5%(世界大学排名2011-2012)
    - 英国最高水平的研究生院前10名中,兰克(《星期日泰晤士报》2012年)。
    - INTO城市基础项目是进入Cass商务学校的唯一国际交流项目。
    - 高水平的个人管理服务

 INTO 关于

  • 自2006年以来,INTO为国际学生进行ESL路线。 INTO提供包括大学预备课程,本科课程,研究生课程,英语进修课程在内的各种课程选择。 另外,大学基础研究基地的网络也在快速发展,向国际学生提供世界水平的教育及文化经验。 课程编排高效,为学生提供难忘的经验。

    INTO是一个快速成长的以大学为基础的研究中心网络,为英国,美国及中国的本科及研究生学位提供了新的,高水平的准备标准。 本校为国际学生提供在世界级水平大学实现教育目标和学业成功的机会。 INTO Centers结合世界一流大学的资源和主要独立投资,为留学生提供世界水平的教育及文化经验,并通过大学学位课程的快速,有效,切实的升学,提供难忘的经验。 作为创造成功的实际机会的努力的一部分,我们为全世界的留学生提供各种奖学金。


  • 名列世界大学前5%,而且研究生院在英国国内排名前10位。 INTO城市基础项目是进入Cass商务学校的唯一国际交流项目。
    另外,City University London是一所非常国际化的大学。 有多达150多个国家的约17,000名学生,为了帮助这些国际学生,雇用了来自50多个国家的职员。

    City University London努力提供最高质量的教育。 这是由世界级教授团队的研究和大学广泛的商业及职业合作所支撑的。 讲师和教授将在学生的经验中发挥重要作用。 学生和研究者们以史无前例的支援和设施为基础,专心致志地学习。


  • 教学焦点

    - 提高语言能力;
    - 学习英语
    - 学术写作
    - 读写手和学习技能

    2017年12月结束Academic English学期的INTO学生们在IELTS band progress中平均获得了0.8分。

    - 学习时间30小时,面对面接触25小时,教师志愿在线语言开发5小时。
    - 与Cambridge Assessment合作开发,通过有针对性的在线评估,可准确监测进展情况。
    - 请享受对话式课程和小规模班级的福利;
    - 确定听课后请在在线教育准备课程INTO Get Ready for English中进行access。


修业规模 15 Students 修业期间 12 Weeks
签证情报 发放入学许可 最小年龄 16
宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • IELTS 3.0 (with a minimum of 3.0 in writing) or equivalent.


※ 计画行程开学日 12週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学校注册费 (GBP)£ 25
学 费
12 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 4,430
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
Weekly (GBP)£ 160-260 (GBP)£ 796-3108 (GBP)£ 1000-3720

接 机

接 机 (GBP)£ 130
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • 4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Law
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Law
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 4-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 35 (Min Writing: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Writing: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    2-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Writing: 18.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Writing: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5


※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 15,995
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • 4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£20,000.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 4-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 35 (Min Writing: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Writing: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5


※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 17,495
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • 3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Project Management, Finance and Risk
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Systems Analysis and Design
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Human-Computer Interaction Design
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Information Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Library Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Criminal Litigation
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - European Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Banking and Financial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Business Law (distance learning)
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Economic Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Energy Law and Regulation
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Maritime Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Master of Laws
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Professional Advocacy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Public International Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants)
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Construction Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Maritime Operations and Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Creative Writing and Publishing
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Culture, Policy and Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Creative Industries
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Communications and Development
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics and Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Communications
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Publishing/International Publishing
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Food Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Research Methods
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Creative Writing and Publishing
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Culture, Policy and Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Creative Industries
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Communications and Development
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics and Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Communications
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Publishing/International Publishing
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Food Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Research Methods
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants)
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Construction Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Maritime Operations and Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Criminal Litigation
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP


    修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


    • 2-Term Pathway
      Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
      Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
      English Proficiency Requirements:
      For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Reading: 8.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 7.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
      Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
      Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
      NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
      For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 40
      Min IELTS overall: 5

      3-Term Pathway
      Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
      Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
      English Proficiency Requirements:
      For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
      Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
      Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
      NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
      For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 40
      Min IELTS overall: 5


    ※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

    费 用


    学 费
    学 费
    52 Week Week Week Week Week
    (GBP)£ 11,250
    Week Week Week Week Week

    宿 舍

    期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

    接 机

    接 机
    接 机


    • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • INTO的学生宿舍位于自然景观优美的公园校园内,学生在校园设施全部可以徒步行走的街道生活。 另外,学生可以很容易地接触到新朋友,并与其他学生形成紧密的社会纽带,拥有各种优势。 对于很多学生来说,共同生活将是他们在校生活中难忘的经历。 寄宿制让学生有"自己家"一样的舒适感。 INTO在伦敦有多种选择。 学生在寄宿家庭中是家庭成员,一起用餐,如卫生间,洗衣设施等,所有其他设施都和家人一起使用。 我们的寄宿家庭积极帮助学生在伦敦定居和适应。



  • "毫无疑问,伦敦是世界上最具活力的城市,也是全世界人民喜爱的城市,同时也是学生感兴趣的地方。" 媒体,时尚,体育,美术,音乐,历史,政治,全球,活动等中心。 250个以上的国籍构成了这个城市的人口,伦敦是一个真正意义上的国际化城市,它为所有人带来了它的独特魅力。


  • 进入INTO后会遇到宽大的人,使用便利设施。 INTO City University London,仅学生开办的社团就有50多个。 这里有羽毛球,国际象棋,电视剧,阿拉比安文化社团等多种社团。



  • 拥有多种国籍和文化背景的全世界学生为了在新的环境中学习英语,会选择INTO City University London。 不仅学习英语,还为了学习英国文化和生活以及历史知识等,选择该学校。



0 有对学校的建议平价
  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 ()

  • 学校评价 (0)