專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 加拿大

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University of Waterloo

Renison English Language Centre
相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • (+1) 519-884-4404, ext. 28692
  • Fax
  • (+1) 519-884-5135
  • Address
  • Room 1930 240 Westmount Road N., Waterloo, ON


  • 大都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画


  • - 体验加拿大最具创意的大学,滑铁卢大学
    - 来自35个国家的1000多名学生
    - 40多年的经验

 Renison English Language Centre 关于

  • 雷尼森英语语言学院(Renison ELI)位于滑铁卢大学的雷尼森大学学院,提供各种英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程和课程,帮助学生以英文读,写,听和说的成功。 Renison ELI拥有超过40年的高质量ESL程序设计经验和成功经验,每年为来自35个国家的1000多名学生提供支持。在Renison ELI,您将:*体验加拿大最具创意的大学,滑铁卢大学。*探索加拿大人口最多且激动人心的地区,安大略省。*建立来自世界各地的终身友谊,成为社区多元化的社区,在雷尼森大学学院。雷尼森英语语言学院(Renison ELI)自1970年以来,提供高质量的英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程和课程。我们每年都会为雷尼森大学学院提供1000多名学生。我们也很自豪成为滑铁卢大学的官方ESL提供商,连续21年被评为加拿大最具创新力的大学。此外,来自35个国家的1000多名学生参加了信用和非信贷计划和课程。 40多年的经验,我们提供由TEST认证的教员提供的课程。


  • 连续22年,滑铁卢大学被评为麦克林高中加拿大大学知名度最高的创新大学之一。
    - 加拿大50强研究型大学调查
    * 35,100名全日制和兼职学生,100多个学术课程
    - 雷尼森大学学院是滑铁卢大学4所附属学院之一。位于uWaterloo校区内,Renison在较大的滑铁卢大学学生人数中提供了一个小型的社区体验。这为在大学生体验生活创造了学习英语的完美环境。

    小班,不同的学生和有经验的教练* Renison ELI课程每班只有20名学生。
    *来自35个不同国家的学生,多元化的教室*我们的教师经过TESL认证,具有17岁以上学生英语教学经验。优良的设施,支持生活和学习 - 利用Renison的最新状态,最先进的4,300平方英尺的图书馆配备了两个小组书房,三十个私人学习空间和电脑工作站。*与您的朋友在Renison的现场自助餐厅一起吃饭,练习英语,供应早餐,午餐和晚餐。


  • 研究重点:
    在加拿大最具创新力的大学 - 滑铁卢大学,在学术水平提高你的英语水平。 Renison ELI的英语语言中心提供最高质量的英语学术目的(EAP)大学课程,以确保在任何加拿大大学或学院取得成功。


    学术成功英语(EFAS)是一个密集的14周英语课程,提供4个级别,从低级中级(100级)到高级(400级)。 EFAS 400级是“欧洲共同欧洲语言参考框架”(CEFR)C1级标准,英语语言能力的全球标准。





修业规模 12 Students 修业期间 12 Weeks
修业等级 4 签证情报 发放入学许可书
最小年龄 17 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 计画行程开学日 12週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学校注册费 (CAD)$ 300
学 费
12 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 4,200
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
32 weeks (CAD)$ 10300

接 机

接 机
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Mathematics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematics Teaching (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Studio Practice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Pure Mathematics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Statistics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Biostatistics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Chartered Professional Accountancy (Co-op)
    $38,200.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Financial Analysis and Risk Management
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-op)
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Double Degree  Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Mathematics (Co-op)
    $39,600.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biology
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Physics
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and Astronomy
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Medicinal Chemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Materials and Nanosciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Aviation
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Aviation
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Environmental Management
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Environment and Business (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Planning (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Economics
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - History
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Legal Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Music
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Philosophy
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Political Science
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Psychology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Social Development Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sociology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Speech Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Theatre and Performance
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Visual Culture
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Visual Culture (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Culture
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Culture (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature and Rhetoric
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature and Rhetoric
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature and Rhetoric (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature and Rhetoric (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - International Development
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Classical Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Knowledge Integration
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Medieval Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Religious Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Gender and Social Justice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - French
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - German
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Anthropology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Architectural Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Spanish
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Anthropology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Classical Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Economics
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Studio Practice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Anthropology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - French
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Classical Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Gender and Social Justice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Economics (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - German
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - History
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Studio Practice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Legal Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - French (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Medieval Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Gender and Social Justice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Music
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - German (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - History (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Philosophy
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Legal Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Political Science
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Medieval Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Psychology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Music (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Religious Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Philosophy (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Social Development Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Political Science (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sociology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Psychology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Spanish
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Religious Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Speech Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Theatre and Performance
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Social Development Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Data Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sociology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Spanish (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Speech Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Theatre and Performance (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Anthropology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Classical Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Economics (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Studio Practice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - French (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Gender and Social Justice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - German (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - History (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Legal Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Medieval Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Music (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Peace and Conflict Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Philosophy (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Political Science (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Psychology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Religious Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Social Development Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sociology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Spanish (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Speech Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Theatre and Performance (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Leisure Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Sport Business (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Therapeutic Recreation (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Tourism Development (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-op)
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Business (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and Astronomy (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Physics (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Sciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Materials and Nanosciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environment, Resources and Sustainability (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Environmental Management (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geomatics (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Actuarial Science (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Applied Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Biostatistics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Business Administration (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Combinatorics and Optimization (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Computational Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Data Science (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Financial Analysis and Risk Management (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Information Technology Management (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Economics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Finance (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Optimization (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Physics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Pure Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Statistics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Public Health (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biology (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Public Health
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Leisure Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Sport Business
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Therapeutic Recreation
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Tourism Development
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Architectural Studies - Architecture (Co-op)
    $51,600.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Biomedical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Chemical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Computer Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Electrical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environment, Resources and Sustainability
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Environmental Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geomatics
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Global Business and Digital Arts
    $38,800.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Software Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Business
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Management Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Geological Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Honours Science
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechatronics Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Systems Design Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Civil Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Nanotechnology Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Applied Mathematics
    Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Combinatorics and Optimization
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Computational Mathematics
    Bachelor of Computing and Financial Management (Co-op)
    $39,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Information Technology Management
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Economics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Finance
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Optimization
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Physics


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 90.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 64
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (CAD)$ 251
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 37,900
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 80.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 90 (Min Writing: 25.0, Min Speaking: 25.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 7 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.5, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.5)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (CAD)$ 125
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 58,680
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • Renison ELI学生在滑铁卢​​寻找住宿有很多选择。





  • 加拿大安大略省是加拿大人口最多的省份,居住在加拿大的人口的40%。学生可以在一个潜水的省份,丰富的多元文化社区学习,完美结合城乡生活方式。滑铁卢市位于加拿大技术三角的中心,距离多伦多以西100公里(1小时),人流533.7万人生活在滑铁卢地区。
    滑铁卢是探索加拿大和美国的理想下榻之地。我们优秀的交通网络使您可以轻松地度过一个周末,参观令人叹为观止的尼亚加拉大瀑布,在冬季度假胜地滑雪,或体验加拿大的乡村社区,如圣雅各布市场。我们的许多学生能够访问加拿大首都渥太华,在蒙特利尔体验法国 - 加拿大文化,并前往更大的大都会,如位于美国的纽约市或芝加哥。


  • 教堂,公寓,图书馆,咖啡厅,学生政府,部中心


  • 练习和提高英语水平的最佳方式是参与! 滑铁卢大学和雷尼森大学学院有许多俱乐部,协会,团体和活动,供您探索。 我们一直在寻找学生帮助我们在招聘,发展和校友活动中展示我们的课程和设施。 注册我们的志愿者名单,了解即将到来的机会。 过去志愿者参与的一些机会包括:
    视频简介的英文或您的家庭语言,您的经验在Renison ELI
    成为您本国的Renison ELI学生大使



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