專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 美国

reviews (4.8)


Marshall University

INTO Marshall University
宣传册 相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 120人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +1 304 696-6265
  • Fax
  • +1 304 696-6353
  • Address
  • One John Marshall Drive Old Main 320 Huntington , WV , 25755 , U.S.A.


  • 大都市
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画
  • 附带条件大学入学可能


  • - 与来自美国和全球100多个国家的大学生一起生活和学习
    - 可以获得学分,之后适用于大学课程
    - 百分之95的INTO俄勒冈州立大学学生,可以录取俄勒冈州立大学的学位课程

 INTO Marshall University 关于

  • 自2006年以来,INTO已经帮助成千上万的国际学生踏出第一步,努力实现高等教育的梦相。 INTO领先美国大学的校园计划,在良好的学习环境提供国际学生各种学术和英语语言课程,旨在加快学生成功的脚步。作为就读于我们中心的学生将拥有所有的好处和良好校园生活的经验,在美国大学生活和学,将认识并结交许多美国学生和国际学生,以及享有每所大学所提供的学术,社会和文化资源和活动。 INTO可帮助学生进入美国大学学位,是进入大城市中大学且具备英语语言能力的第一步。


  • 马绍尔大学是西弗吉尼亚州亨廷顿,一个男女同校的公立研究型大学,成立于1837年,以约翰·马歇尔,美国第四首席大法官的名字命名。该大学目前正由八个本科院校组成:文科的学院(COLA),美术学院(COFA),教育与人类服务学院(COEHS),信息技术与工程学院(CITE ),商务(LCOB)的伊丽莎白麦克道尔·刘易斯学院,科学学院(COS),卫生职业学院(COHP),新闻和大众传播(SOJMC),以及另外四个研究生院校。研究生院校包括:一般研究生院,教育和职业发展,药学院的研究生院和医学琼 C 爱德华学校,研究癌症的区域中心,其在农村的医疗服务项目在全国享有良好声誉。

入学制度 (附条件)

  • MU提供有限入学人数给不符合大一入学要求的特定学生。这些学生进入大学后,必须在三个学期完成所有先决条件。先决条件包括英语最低要求 18 ACT的得分(450 对 SAT 的批判性阅读部分)和数学最低要求 19 ACT的得分(在SAT的数学部分 460)。完成上述的先决条件,并在12学分的课程中至少得到2.00,只要符合资格的话,学生可能转学到到任何主要/学院。一些专业和院校在特定的课程中,需要申请表以及录取的课程要求。



  • 在美国学习英语
    Marshall University’s的英语语言学院(ELI)为在美国学生的本科和研究生学习做准备。我们严谨的课程由经验丰富的教师提供高质量的英语培训。


    利用互联网和Marshall University 图书馆数据库进行学术研究

    根据学生在“多邻国”(DuoLingo)的分班测试中的成绩,他们被分到相应的等级。成功完成一级(三门综合课程各C)的学生将在下一学期进入下一级。成功完成学术预科1级的学生被认为达到了大多数 Marshall University 本科课程入学的英语水平要求。成功完成学业预科2级的学生被认为达到了大多数 Marshall University 研究生入学的英语水平要求。







    您还可以下载测试信息和MS Word格式的逐步说明,以帮助您遵循步骤。


    学费:每学期 4,500美元。
    校内生活费用:每学期 5240美元
    健康保险费:每学期大约 650美元


修业期间 14 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-02 2024-08-12
※ 计画行程开学日 14週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学 费
14 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 4,500
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Science - Computer and Information Technology - Computer Application Development

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Plant Biology

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice - Corrections

    Bachelor of Science - Computer and Information Technology - Web/Mobile Application Development

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice - Legal Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Computer and Information Technology - Game/Simulation Development

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Medical Imaging

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice

    Bachelor of Science - Digital Forensics and Information Assurance

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Chemistry

    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising and Public Relations

    Bachelor of Arts - Allied Arts

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Science - Biomechanics

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Geography

    Bachelor of Science - Forensic Chemistry

    Bachelor of Arts - Humanities

    Bachelor of Science - Geology

    Bachelor of Science - Geology - Engineering Geology

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Geology - Environmental Geoscience

    Bachelor of Science - Computer and Information Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources and Recreation Management

    Bachelor of Science - Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Applied Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - BioPhysics

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Medical Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Statistics

    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising and Public Relations - Advertising

    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising and Public Relations - Public Relations

    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising and Public Relations - Sports Public Relations

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Art History

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Broadcast Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Online Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Print Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Broadcast Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Print Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Music

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music - Multidisciplinary Music Studies

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music - Jazz Studies

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music - Performance

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music - Theory and Composition

    Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies and Production

    Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies and Production - Video Production

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Theatre

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Ceramics

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Fibers

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Graphic Design

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Painting

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Photography

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Printmaking

    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training

    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training - Athletic Training Comprehensive

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts - Sculpture

    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training - Helath Communication

    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training - Occupational Safety and Health

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting

    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training - Safety

    Bachelor of Science in Chemistry - Chemistry - ACS Certified

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Economics

    Bachelor of Science - Computer and Information Security

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Applied Environmental Science

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Management - Energy Management

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Conservation and Wildlife

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Science

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Mathematical Statistics

    Bachelor of Arts - Video Production

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Management - Health Care Management

    Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Management

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Management Information Systems

    Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing

    Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education

    Bachelor of Science - Biomechanics - Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Biomechanics - Safety

    Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders

    Bachelor of Science - Cytotechnology

    Bachelor of Science - Dietetics

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science - Applied Exercise Physiology

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science - Clinical Exercise Physiology

    Bachelor of Health Sciences - Health Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Medical Imaging

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing

    Bachelor of Science - Respiratory Care

    Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Civil Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Safety Technology

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies - Interpersonal Communication

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies - Organizational Communication

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies - Public Communication

    Bachelor of Arts - Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - English

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literary Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - French

    Bachelor of Science - Geography

    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Meteorology

    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Weather Broadcasting

    Bachelor of Arts - History

    Bachelor of Arts - Humanities - Classics

    Bachelor of Arts - Humanities - Philosophy

    Bachelor of Arts - Humanities - Religious Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - International Affairs

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music

    Bachelor of Arts - Japanese

    Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies and Production - Radio/Television Production and Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Art Education PreK-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Latin

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Biological Science 9-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Chemistry 9-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - English 5-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - General Science 5-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Japanese PreK-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Mathematics 5-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Music Education PreK-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Physics 9-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Social Studies 5-Adult

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Spanish 5-Adult

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics

    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Wellness

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Facilities and Operation Management

    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - General Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Recreation and Physical Activities

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Cellular, Molecular, and Medical Biology

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Sport Agency

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Sport Information

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Sport Marketing

    Bachelor of Arts - Sport Management - Sport Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Microbiology

    Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Computer

    Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Anthropology of Health

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Archaeological Anthropology

    Bachelor of Science - Chemical Sciences

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Sociocultural Anthropology

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies - Health Communication

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics - Mathematical Statistics

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Natural History and Conservation


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 61
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-02 2024-08-12
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (USD)$ 150
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 22,450
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Science - Sport Administration - Sport Management

    Master of Arts - Psychology - School Psychology

    Master of Science - Chemistry

    Master of Science - Biomedical Research

    Master of Science - Accountancy

    Master of Business Administration - Business Administration

    Master of Arts - Literacy Education

    Master of Science - Biomechanics

    Master of Science - Communication Disorders

    Master of Science - Dietetics

    Master of Science - Exercise Science

    Master of Science - Health Informatics

    Master of Science - Sport Administration - Recreation and Physical Activity

    Master of Arts - Humanities

    Master of Arts - Psychology

    Master of Science - Biological Sciences

    Master of Science - Forensic Science - Crime Scene Investigation

    Master of Science - Forensic Science - Digital Forensics

    Master of Science - Forensic Science - DNA Analysis

    Master of Science - Forensic Science - Forensic Chemistry

    Master of Science - Clinical and Translational Sciences


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission
    Other test requirements: Either of GRE or GMAT Tests required
    Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 295.0)
    Min GMAT requirement Min Total: 500.0 [50 %]


2025-01-02 2024-08-12
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (USD)$ 150
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 22,060
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 校园房屋



  • 马紹尔大学位于西弗吉尼亚州的亨廷顿,为美国男女同校的公立研究型大学。附近有3电影院靠近马歇尔大学:大亨廷顿影院剧场,基思阿尔比剧院和跑马灯电影院。里特尔公园和各大商场提供居民人民和同学住在城市裡的所求所需。


  • 健身,木製健身房篮球场,排球场,羽毛球,和躲避球,一个游泳中心,男子和女子的更衣室,运动室,图书馆,宿舍,等等


  • 来自世界各地不同国籍和文化背景的学生,都选择马绍尔大学作为学习英语的新环境。


Image 2018-09-14 16:59:53


Q:請問條件式入學有什麼條件呢? A: 感謝您的提問,條件式入學為您說明入如下: MU提供有限入學人數給不符合大一入學要求的特定學生。這些學生進入大學後,必須在三個學期完成所有先決條件。先決條件包括英語最低要求 18 ACT的得分(450 對 SAT 的批判性閱讀部分)和數學最低要求 19 ACT的得分(在SAT的數學部分 460)。完成上述的先決條件,並在12學分的課程中至少得到2.00,只要符合資格的話,學生可能轉學到到任何主要/學院。一些專業和院校在特定的課程中,需要申請表以及錄取的課程要求。


1 有对学校的建议平价
  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)

  • 学校评价 (4.8)

  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)

  • 学校评价 (4.8)

Image 2018-09-14 17:03:47




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