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搜寻国家 美国

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Montana State University

INTERLINK at Montana State University
3D视图 相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 120人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +1 206-217-9644
  • Fax
  • +1 206-217-9643
  • Address
  • INTERLINK Language Center 330 Culbertson Hall P.O. Box 170550 Bozeman, MT 59717-0550 USA


  • 大都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画


  • - 在英语语言教学超过35年的经验
    - 安全,关爱,是学生学习和成功的有利环境
    - A.C.E.提供多种选修课程,帮助学生应付英语水平考试,如托福,IELTS®和多益考试准备课程。

 INTERLINK at Montana State University 关于

  • 35多年来,A.C.E.是强化英语教学的领导者。 ACE 是一家致力于国际教育的非营利性组织,自豪地帮助来自世界各地数以万计的学生,在ACE语言学院学习期间实现他们的目标。以交流语言作为学院使命的协会(ACE)是蒙大拿州立大学的语言中心,其使命是在语言和文化上帮助学生准备未来教育和职业,提供个人发展的机会。 ACE,创立为美国文化交流,及不以营利为目的的中心。自成立以来,一直致力于帮助在世界各地的个人和组织,创造新的连接,构建其他语言和文化背景,与世界大学生建立新的人际网络。


  • 蒙大拿州立大学在美国所有的研究型大学中排名前面,并专门从事科学和工程学研究。座落在风景秀丽蒙大拿州的博兹曼,MSU靠近着名的黄石国家公园。卡内基基金会将其排名在密歇根州立大学中研究型大学的顶层,表示具有很高评价的研究活动,与哈佛大学,耶鲁大学和麻省理工学院齐名。密歇根州立大学提供超过 100 个本科/大学学位,50 个硕士学位和 27 个博士学位课程。每班平均 36 名学生,学生与教师比例17:1,学生可以与教师更自由地交流。密歇根州立大学是在美国最好的护理本科/大学之一(护理毕业生参加护士考试约有 94%的合格率),以及密歇根州立大学电影学院是在美国的顶级电影学校,在美国唯一提供拍摄自然历史製作的硕士学位。商学院得到AACSB,全球顶级商学院的认可。在世界各地只有15%的商学院得到此认可。


  • 课程目标,优势:
    ACE 的强化英语课程,旨在帮助学生培养进入美国学院或大学学术方面,或是在专业个人的职业领域和社会必需的能力和知识。在 10 至 15 人的小教室裡,学生可以与教师更自由地在课堂内外互动。本课程主要侧重于阅读,写作,听力和口语。

    ACE的强化课程提供给想要迅速进步,立即看到成果的学生。每週20小时,提供额外的选修课程约 4 至 10 小时。强化课程是持 F-1 学生签证的学生唯一选择。根据他们的测验结果分班,学生被分为6个级别。 ACE 国际学院提供多种课程,适合不同生活方式的学生。

    听力,口说和语法;星期一 / 星期三/ 星期五:8:00-9:20;星期二/星期四:8-10:20
    阅读,写作和语法;星期一 / 星期三:上午11点 - 下午1:20; 星期二 / 星期四 :11:30-1:50
    选修课程;星期一 / 星期三/ 星期五:9:30-10:20;星期二 / 星期四 :10:30-11:20
    选修课程 ;星期一 / 星期三:1:30-2:35;星期二 / 星期四 :下午2-3点


修业规模 12 Students 修业期间 5, 10, 15, 20 Weeks
修业等级 6級 签证情报 可以申请 I-20
最小年龄 18 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-06 2024-11-04 2024-09-25 2024-08-15
2024-06-19 2024-05-09
※ 计画行程开学日 5, 10, 15, 20週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学校注册费 (USD)$ 100
学 费
5 Week 10 Week 15 Week 20 Week Week
(USD)$ 1,650 (USD)$ 3,300 (USD)$ 1,950 (USD)$ 6,600
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

住宿申请费 (USD)$ 250
期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
7 weeks (USD)$ 1800

接 机

接 机 (USD)$ 50
其 他 (USD)$ 455     详细信息


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Science - Health and Human Performance - Exercise Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Health and Human Performance - Kinesiology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Food Enterprise Option

    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Lodging and Facilities Management Option

    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Restaurant Management: Farm-to-Table Option

    Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Science - Family and Consumer Sciences Education Option

    Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Science - Human Development and Family Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Technology Education - Industrial Technology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Technology Education - Broadfield Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Interdisciplinary Option

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Professional Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Construction Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Financial Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Arts - American Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Anthropology

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Biology Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Conservation Biology and Ecology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Management Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Organismal Biology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Cell Biology and Neuroscience - Biomedical Sciences Option

    Bachelor of Science - Cell Biology and Neuroscience - Cell Biology and Neuroscience Option

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Professional Option

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Biochemistry Option

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Geography Option

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Geology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - GIS/Planning Option

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Paleontology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Snow Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - English

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Writing Option

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature Option

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Arts - History - History Option

    Bachelor of Arts - History - History Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Arts - History - Science, Environment, Technology and Society Option (SETS)

    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies - Environmental Studies Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies - Global and Multicultural Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies - Quaternity Option

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Option

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Mathematics Option

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Mathematics Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Statistics Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - French and Francophone Studies Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - French K-12 Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - German Studies Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - German K-12 Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - Hispanic Studies Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - Latin American and Latino/Latina Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish K-12 Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy - Philosophy Option

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Professional Option

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Interdisciplinary Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science

    Bachelor of Science - Psychology

    Bachelor of Science - Sociology - General Sociology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Sociology - Criminology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology - Microbial Systems Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology - Animal Systems Option

    Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology - Plant Systems Option

    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Business - Agribusiness Management

    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Business - Farm and Ranch Management

    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Education - Broadfield Teaching Option

    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Education - Communications, Leadership, and Extension Option

    Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Equine Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Livestock Management & Industry Option

    Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Horticulture - Environmental Horticulture Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Horticulture - Landscape Design Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences - Environmental Biology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences - Environmental Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences - Geospatial and Environmental Analysis Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences - Land Rehabilitation Option

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences - Soil and Water Sciences Option

    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology - Microbiology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology - Environmental Health Option

    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology - Medical Laboratory Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources and Rangeland Ecology - Rangeland Ecology & Management Option

    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources and Rangeland Ecology - Wildlife Habitat Ecology & Management Option

    Bachelor of Science - Plant Science - Crop Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Plant Science - Plant Biology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems - Agroecology Option

    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems - Sustainable Livestock Production Option

    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems - Sustainable Crop Production Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Art Education K-12 Broadfield Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Art History Option

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art - Graphic Design Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Liberal Arts Studio Option

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art - Studio Arts Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Design

    Bachelor of Arts - Film and Photography - Film Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Film and Photography - Photography Option

    Bachelor of Arts - Music

    Bachelor of Music Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Music Technology

    Bachelor of Science in Business - Accounting

    Bachelor of Science in Business - Finance

    Bachelor of Science in Business - Management

    Bachelor of Science in Business - Marketing

    Bachelor of Science - Community Health

    Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Child Services - Child Development Option

    Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Child Services - Preschool-Age Three (P-3) Option

    Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education K-8

    Bachelor of Science - Food and Nutrition - Dietetics Option

    Bachelor of Science - Food and Nutrition - Nutrition Science Option

    Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - General Science Broadfield

    Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - Social Studies Broadfield Option

    Bachelor of Science - Health Enhancement K-12 - Health & Physical Education K-12 Option


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 48
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2025-01-14 2024-08-21
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (USD)$ 38
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 25,850
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Science - Innovation and Management

    Master of Architecture

    Master of Art - English

    Master of Arts - American Studies

    Master of Art - Art History

    Master of Art - History

    Master of Arts - Native American Studies

    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction

    Master of Education - Adult and Higher Education

    Master of Education - Educational Leadership

    Master of Engineering - Bioengineering

    Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering

    Master of Engineering - Electrical Engineering

    Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering

    Master of Fine Arts - Art

    Master of Fine Arts - Science and Natural History Filmmaking

    Master of Nursing - BSN to MN

    Master of Professional Accountancy

    Master of Public Administration

    Master of Science - Agricultural Education

    Master of Science - Animal and Range Sciences

    Master of Science - Applied Economics

    Master of Science - Biological Sciences - Cell Biology & Neuroscience

    Master of Science - Biological Sciences - Ecology

    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering

    Master of Science - Community Health

    Master of Science - Computer Science

    Master of Science - Counseling - Marriage and Family

    Master of Science - Mental Health Counseling

    Master of Science - Data Science

    Master of Science - Earth Sciences

    Master of Science - Electrical Engineering

    Master of Science - Entomology

    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering

    Master of Science - Exercise and Nutrition Sciences - Exercise Physiology and Nutrition

    Master of Science - Exercise and Nutrition Sciences - Sport and Coaching Sciences

    Master of Science - Family & Consumer Sciences - Early Childhood Education

    Master of Science - Family & Consumer Sciences - Family Science

    Master of Science - Fish and Wildlife Management

    Master in Science - Immunology and Infectious Diseases

    Master of Science - Industrial and Management Engineering

    Master of Science - Land Rehabilitation

    Master of Science - Land Resources and Environmental Sciences

    Master of Science - Mathematics

    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering

    Master of Science - Microbiology

    Master of Science - Optics and Photonics

    Master of Science - Physics

    Master of Science - Plant Pathology

    Master of Science - Plant Science

    Master of Science - Statistics

    Master of Science - Sustainable Food Systems


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 92
    Min IELTS overall: 7
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 54
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-14 2024-08-21
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费 (USD)$ 60
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 16,198
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 学生可以选择住在寄宿家庭,校园宿舍,公寓或是校园外。宿舍非常乾淨,现代,便捷(靠近教室)。
    学生将与美国学生住在同一个宿舍,能够每天练习英语和认识朋友。学生可以选择与一位或者多位学生居住。 ACE 
    使用居家物品(如洗衣机,乾衣机,床单),拨打本地电话。此外,所有 A.C.E.语言学院提供价格合理,


  • 位于蒙大拿州立大学的A.C.E.语言学院,设立在蒙大拿州波兹曼市,落矶山脉中部的大学城。在夏季,学生可以享受远足,划船,


  • 学生宿舍,公寓楼,联排别墅复合区,学生中心,教室,行政楼,体育中心,食堂,图书馆,教堂,修道院和维护建筑物位于校园内。


  • 文化和社会活动的是讚英语学习体验的学生教育中重要的一部分。这就是为什麽 A.C.E.学院总是定期为学生计画活动和旅行,


  • 蒙大拿州立大学的 A.C.E.中心接待来自世界各地的数千名学生。最近,大部分学生来自中国(30%),哈萨克斯坦(10%),沙特阿拉伯(10%)和日本/韩国(5%)。学生也来自拉丁美洲(5%),欧洲(3%)和其他国家。



Image 2018-11-05 17:22:59


Q: 請問語言學校住宿的相關問題? A: 感謝您的詢問,為您說明如下: 學生可以選擇住在寄宿家庭,校園宿舍,公寓或是校園外。宿舍非常乾淨,現代,便捷(靠近教室)。 學生將與美國學生住在同一個宿舍,能夠每天練習英語和認識朋友。學生可以選擇與一位或者多位學生居住。 ACE 的寄宿家庭都是良好並具有多年接待國際學生的經驗。住在寄宿家庭會教導學生有關美國日常生活和文化。 寄宿家庭將幫助學生適應在美國的新生活,並將學生視為家庭的一員,而不是在酒店的一位客人。提供附設家具的臥室,餐廳, 使用居家物品(如洗衣機,乾衣機,床單),撥打本地電話。此外,所有 A.C.E.語言學院提供價格合理, 安全方便並靠近校園的公寓給學生。


1 有对学校的建议平价
  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)

  • 学校评价 (4.8)

  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)

  • 学校评价 (4.8)

Image 2018-11-05 17:25:14




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