專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 美国

reviews (4.7)


Arizona State University (ASU) - Tempe

American English and Culture Program (AECP)
相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 500-600人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +1 480 965-2376
  • Fax
  • +1 480 965-8529
  • Address
  • P.O. Box 873504 Tempe, Arizona 85287-3504


  • 大都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画
  • 附带条件大学入学可能


  • - 所有的AECP教师拥有教授英语作为第二语言或相关领域的研究所学位。 AECP老师有多年的在美国和国外的授课经验。
    - 亚利桑那州是着名的风景奇观如大峡谷。因着同时拥有沙漠和山地地形,提供了丰富多彩的娱乐活动。
    - 亚利桑那州立大学为符合托福或学历要求的学生,提供有条件入学。

 American English and Culture Program (AECP) 关于

  • 美国语言暨文化教学中心〈American English and Culture Program,AECP〉,成立于西元1974年,协助超过115个国家的学生。AECP 教室位于亚利桑那州大主校区内,附属于推广教育部门。除了上课,实地考察在亚利桑那州的名胜地点,和其他丰富多彩的活动,将帮助学生熟悉ASU和美国人的生活方式。 AECP位于亚利桑那州立大学坦佩分校,位于友好中型的凤凰城小镇上,其为全国第六大的城市。


  • 亚利桑那州立大学(通常被称为ASU或亚利桑那州)是位于美国亚利桑那州凤凰都市区的国家空间赠款机构和公共大城市的研究型大学,美国最大招生的公立大学。成立于1885年的坦佩师范学校,1945年学校受到亚利桑那董事会的控制权,并更名为美国亚利桑那州立大学。 1958年透过选票措施给学校正名。 1994年,亚利桑那州立大学被列为美国的研究机构;因此,成为亚利桑那州最新的重大研究型大学(公立或私立)的之一。大学的使命是创造了“新美国大学”,“包容,而不是排斥”作为成功的学校合新。 ASU包括学士,硕士和博士学位,并大致在四个校区分为16个学院和学校:原坦佩校区,西校区凤凰城西北部,东部梅萨理工校园,和市中心的凤凰城校区。所有四个校区都由高等教育委员会任何。被归类为研究型大学,具有非常顶尖的研究活动(RU / VH),在2012年以3.85亿美元成为亚利桑那州的一个研究支出委任议员研究协会,领先其他86个财团组成的大学。

入学制度 (附条件)

  • 学生可以透过条件式录取,满足下列之一的英语语言能力的条件:


  • 课程重点:



修业规模 15 Students 修业期间 8, 16, 24 Weeks
修业等级 6 签证情报 发行入学通知书
最小年龄 17 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 没有特别得


2026-01-05 2025-10-10 2025-08-14 2025-05-12
※ 计画行程开学日 8, 16, 24週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学校注册费 (USD)$ 125
学 费
8 Week 16 Week 24 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 2,950 (USD)$ 5,900 (USD)$ 8,850
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

住宿申请费 (USD)$ 300
期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
其 他 (USD)$ 348     详细信息


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Flute
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Guitar
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Harp
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Horn
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Mezzo Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Oboe
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Organ
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Percussion
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Piano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Tenor
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Tenor Trombone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Bass Trombone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Tuba
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Viola
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Violin
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Piano - Collaborative Piano
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Guitar
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Double Bass
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Guitar
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Percussion
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Piano
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Trombone
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz - Tuba
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Keyboard - Organ
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Keyboard - Piano
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Alto
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Baritone
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Mezzo Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Music Theatre - Tenor
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Cello
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Double Bass
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Flute
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Harp
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Horn
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Oboe
    Bachelor of Science - Accountancy
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Percussion
    Bachelor of Science - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Aeronautics
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Tenor Trombone
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Astronautics
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Bass Trombone
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Autonomous Vehicle Systems
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Arts - Africa and African American Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Tuba
    Bachelor of Arts - American Indian Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Viola
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Orchestral Instrument - Violin
    Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Alto
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics for Life and Social Sciences
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Baritone
    Bachelor of Science Design - Architectural Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Art Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Mezzo Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - Art
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - Asia Studies - East Asia
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice - Tenor
    Bachelor of Arts - Asia Studies - South Asia
    Bachelor of Arts - Performance and Movement
    Bachelor of Arts - Asia Studies - Southeast Asia
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Languages - Chinese
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy - Morality, Politics and Law
    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Languages - Japanese
    Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Pacific American Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Secondary Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry - Medicinal Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Politics and the Economy
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Biology and Society
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Biomedical Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Conservation Biology and Ecology
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies - Religion, Culture and Public Life
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies - Religion, Politics and Global Affairs
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences - Neurobiology, Physiology and Behaviour
    Bachelor of Arts - Russian
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Informatics
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Biological Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Biophysics
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Chinese Language and Culture
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Earth and Space Sciences
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Communications
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - English
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Law
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - History
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Public Service and Public Policy
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Sports Business
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Political Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Sustainability
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Secondary Education - Spanish
    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Tourism
    Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science - Business Data Analytics
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Bachelor of Science - Business Entrepreneurship
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Special Education and Elementary Education
    Business Exploratory - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Science - Speech and Hearing Science
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Supply Chain Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainability
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Sustainability
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Environmental Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    Bachelor of Arts - Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Acting
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Design and Production
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Civil Engineering - Sustainable Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Alto
    Bachelor of Science - Communication
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Baritone
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Science - Computational Mathematical Sciences
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Cello
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Cybersecurity
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Doublebass
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Software Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Computer Systems Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Flute
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Computer Systems Engineering - Cybersecurity
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Guitar
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Construction Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Harp
    Bachelor of Science - Construction Management and Technology
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Horn
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dance
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Mezzosoprano
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dance - Dance Education
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Oboe
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Organ
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Art
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Percussion
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Arts and Design Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Piano
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Design
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - English
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Film
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Tenor
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Graphic Information Technology
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Trombone
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Media Processing
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Tuba
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Music
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Viola
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Culture - Theatre
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Composition - Violin
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Alto
    Bachelor of Arts - Earth and Environmental Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Baritone
    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Space Exploration
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Space Exploration - Astrobiology and Biogeosciences
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Space Exploration - Astrophysics
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Cello
    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Space Exploration - Exploration Systems Design
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Space Exploration - Geological Sciences
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Doublebass
    Bachelor of Science - Economics
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Science - Economics - Politics and the Economy
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Flute
    Education Exploratory - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Guitar
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Educational Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Harp
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Horn
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electric Power and Energy Systems
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Mezzosoprano
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Elementary Education
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Oboe
    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Elementary Education - Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Organ
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Engineering Management
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Percussion
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Piano
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Linguistics
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Secondary Education
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Tenor
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Writing Rhetorics and Literacies
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Trombone
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Tuba
    Exploratory Health and Life Sciences - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Viola
    Exploratory Humanities, Fine Arts and Design - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Music - Theory and Composition - Theory - Violin
    Exploratory Math, Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Arts - Transborder Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies - Transborder Community Development and Health
    Exploratory Social and Behavioural Sciences - Transfer to Bachelor's Degree
    Bachelor of Arts - Transborder Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies - US and Mexican Regional Immigration Policy and Economy
    Bachelor of Science - Family and Human Development
    Bachelor of Science in Planning - Urban Planning
    Bachelor of Arts - Fashion
    Bachelor of Arts - Women and Gender Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Film - Film and Media Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Film - Filmmaking Practices
    Bachelor of Science - Finance
    Bachelor of Arts - French
    Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Science
    Bachelor of Science - Geography
    Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Meteorology-Climatology
    Bachelor of Arts - German
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Health
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    Bachelor of Science in Design - Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    Bachelor of Arts - History - Secondary Education
    Bachelor of Science in Design - Industrial Design
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Informatics
    Bachelor of Arts - Innovation in Society
    Bachelor of Science - Innovation in Society
    Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Bachelor of Science in Design - Interior Design
    Bachelor of Arts - International Letters and Cultures
    Bachelor of Arts - International Letters and Cultures - Classical Civilization
    Bachelor of Arts - International Letters and Cultures - Classics
    Bachelor of Arts - Italian
    Bachelor of Arts - Jewish Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Justice Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Justice Studies
    Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture
    Bachelor of Science - Management
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing - Digital and Integrated Marketing Communications
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing - Professional Sales
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Materials Science and Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Secondary Education
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Statistics
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Computational Mechanics
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Environment
    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Alto
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Baritone
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Cello
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Double Bass
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Flute
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Guitar
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Harp
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Horn
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Mezzo Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Oboe
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Organ
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Percussion
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Percussion - Keyboard
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Percussion - Timpani
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Percussion - Snare Drum
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Percussion - Drum Set
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Piano
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Soprano
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Tenor
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Bass Trombone
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Tenor Trombone
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Tuba
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Viola
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Violin
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Music Culture
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Alto
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Baritone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Cello
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Double Bass
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Euphonium
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Flute
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Guitar
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Harp
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Horn
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Mezzo Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Oboe
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Organ
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Percussion
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Piano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Saxophone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Soprano
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Tenor
    Bachelor of Arts - Music Education - Bass Trombone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Trumpet
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Tuba
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Viola
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Violin
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Alto
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Baritone
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Bassoon
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Bass Voice
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Cello
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Clarinet
    Bachelor of Music - Music Therapy - Double Bass


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • 学术要求

    转会学生必须有至少2.50GPA(A+C)或大学本科以上学历。 有些ASU项目需要3 0 0 0分,包括企业和艾拉·A·培瑞商学院。 富尔顿工程学院


    高中毕业的时候必须有3年的时间工作(如果你现在在高中时,ASU需要看9-11年级的作品)。 如果你完成高中学业,那么ASU需要10-12年级的工作。






2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 29,834
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Graphics
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Entrepreneurship & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Databases/Data Mining
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - International Development & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Distribution Systems and Middleware
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Law & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Embedded Systems
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Nonprofit Organization & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Modeling and Simulation
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Policy and Administration & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Multi-media Systems
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Technology and Society & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Networks
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability & Master of Mass Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Operating Systems
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions & Master of Urban and Environmental Planning
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Security and Information Assurance
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Software Engineering
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Consulting & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Construction Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Construction Management - Facility Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Finance & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Counseling
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Information Systems Management & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Marketing & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Fine Arts - Dance - Interdisciplinary Digital Media and Performance
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science in Design - Industrial Design
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration & Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics & Master of Science - Finance
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Consulting & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Arts - Digital Culture
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Arts - Educational Policy
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Finance & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science - Electrical Engineering - Arts, Media and Engineering
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Information Systems Management & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Control Systems
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Marketing & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electric Power and Energy Systems
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electromagnetics and Microwave Circuits
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration & Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science - Modern Energy Production and Sustainable Use
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electronic and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Physical Electronics and Photonics
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Master of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Signal Processing and Communications
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Consulting & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Finance & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Marketing & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management & Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Master of Arts - English - Comparative Literature
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Big Data Systems
    Master of Arts - English - Literature
    Master of Arts - English - Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Cybersecurity
    Master of Arts - English Education
    Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Arts - French Linguistics
    Master of Arts - French Literature
    Master of Advanced Study - Geographic Information Systems
    Master of Arts - Geography
    Master of Science - Geological Sciences
    Master of Science - Global Sustainability Science
    Master of Science - Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Artificial Intelligence
    Master of Science - Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Master of Science - Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Master of Science - Global Technology and Development
    Master of Science - Plant Biology and Conservation
    Master of Science - Materials Science and Engineering
    Master of Arts - History - East Asia/Southeast Asia
    Master of Science - Microbiology
    Master of Arts - History - Europe
    Master of Arts - Sustainability
    Master of Arts - History - Global History
    Master of Science - Sustainability
    Master of Arts - History - North America
    Master of Arts - History - Public History
    Master of Industrial Design
    Master of Industrial Design - Advanced Standing
    Master of Interior Architecture
    Master of Interior Architecture - Advanced Standing
    Master of Science - Justice Studies - Citizenship, Migration, and Human Rights
    Master of Science - Justice Studies - Globalization, Sustainability, and Economic Justice
    Master of Science - Justice Studies - Law, Policy, and Social Change
    Master of Fine Arts - Dance
    Master of Science - Justice Studies - Media, Technology and Culture
    Master of Arts - Philosophy
    Master of Science - Justice Studies - Social Identities and Communities
    Master of Landscape Architecture - Pathway
    Master of Landscape Architecture - Advanced Standing + Pathway
    Master of Landscape Architecture
    Master of Science - Information Systems Management
    Master of Arts - Learning Sciences
    Master of Liberal Studies - Film and Media Studies
    Master of Liberal Studies - Liberal Studies - Borders: Migration, Health and Cultural Identity
    Master of Liberal Studies - Gender, Religion and Culture
    Master of Liberal Studies - Liberal Studies - Society and Creative Non-Fiction Writing
    Master of Arts - Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
    Master of Applied Study - Marriage and Family Therapy
    Master of Science - Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Electrical Engineering
    Master of Science - Biochemistry - Medicinal Chemistry
    Master of Arts - Mathematics
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Aerodynamics and Flow Control
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - CAD/CAM/Design Computing
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Computational Modeling
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Energy/Environmental Systems
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Fluid Mechanics
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Heat Transfer
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing Engineering
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronics/Robotics
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - NanoTechnology/MEMS
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Propulsion/Combustion
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Solid Mechanics
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Space Systems
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Structures and Vibrations
    Master of Science - Innovation and Venture Development
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - System Dynamics and Control
    Master of Arts - Museum Studies - Anthropology
    Master of Arts - Museum Studies - Art History
    Master of Arts - Museum Studies - Public History
    Master of Arts - Music - Ethnomusicology
    Master of Arts - Music - Musicology
    Master of Music - Music Therapy - Advanced Standing
    Master of Music - Music Therapy
    Professional Science Master's - Nanoscience - Nano-Materials and Nanoscale Devices
    Professional Science Master's - Nanoscience - Biophysics and Biomedical Technology
    Professional Science Master's - Nanoscience - Biochemistry and Sensing Technology
    Master of Accountancy
    Master of Natural Science - Geological Sciences
    Master of Accountancy - Data Analytics
    Master of Science - Actuarial Science
    Master of Music - Performance - Collaborative Piano
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    Master of Music - Performance - Conducting - Orchestra
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Aerodynamics and Flow Control
    Master of Music - Performance - Conducting - Wind Band
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - CAD/CAM/Design Computing
    Master of Music - Performance - Music Theatre/Opera Performance
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Computational Modeling
    Master of Music - Music Performance
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Energy/Environmental Systems
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Fluid Mechanics
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Heat Transfer
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Manufacturing Engineering
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Mechatronics/Robotics
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - NanoTechnology/MEMS
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Propulsion/Combustion
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Solid Mechanics
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Space Systems
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Structures and Vibrations
    Master of Arts - Political Science - American Politics
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering - System Dynamics and Control
    Master of Arts - Political Science - Comparative Politics
    Master of Science - American Indian Studies - Indigenous Rights and Social Justice
    Master of Arts - Political Science - International Relations
    Master of Science - American Indian Studies - Tribal Leadership and Governance
    Master of Arts - Political Science - Political Theory
    Master of Science - Applied Behaviour Analysis
    Master of Real Estate Development
    Master of Architecture - Advanced Standing
    Master of Architecture
    Master of Arts - Art - Art Education
    Master of Arts - Art - Art History
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Digital Technology
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Ceramics
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Drawing and Painting
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Fibers
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Intermedia
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Metals
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Photography
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Printmaking
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Sculpture
    Master of Fine Arts - Art - Wood
    Master of Arts - Asian Languages and Civilizations - Chinese
    Master of Arts - Asian Languages and Civilizations - Japanese
    Master of Science - Astrophysics and Astronomy
    Master of Science and Technology Policy
    Master of Science - Auditory and Language Neuroscience
    Master of Arts - Social and Cultural Pedagogy
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society
    Master of Arts - Spanish - Linguistics
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Animal Behaviour and Sociobiology
    Master of Arts - Spanish - Literature and Cultural Studies
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Bioenergy
    Master of Science - Statistics
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Biogeochemistry
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Ecology, Conservation and Environmental Sciences
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Evolution and Biodiversity
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Genetics, Cellular and Developmental Biology
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - History and Philosophy of Science
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Microbes
    Master of Science - Biology - Biology and Society - Neurobiology and Physiology
    Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    Master of Science - Biomedical Informatics - Bioinformatics
    Master of Science - Biomedical Informatics - Clinical Informatics
    Master of Science - Biomedical Informatics - Imaging Informatics
    Master of Science - Biomedical Informatics - Mayo Partnership
    Master of Science - Biomedical Informatics - Population Health Informatics
    Master of Science - Architecture - Energy Performance and Climate Responsive Architecture
    Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Environmental
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Hydrosystems Engineering
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Structures
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Sustainability Engineering
    Master of Science - Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering - Transportation
    Master of Science - Communication Disorders
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Systems - Autonomous Systems & Robotics
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Systems - Communications and Networks
    Executive Master of Sustainability Leadership
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Systems - Distributed, Dependable, Secure Systems
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Systems - Multimedia and Signal Processing
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Entrepreneurship
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Systems - Architecture & Embedded Systems
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - International Development
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Law
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Nonprofit Organization
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Policy and Administration
    Master of Sustainability Solutions - Technology and Society
    Master of Taxation
    Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    Master of Fine Arts - Theatre - Dramatic Writing
    Master of Fine Arts - Theatre - Interdisciplinary Digital Media
    Master of Arts - Theatre
    Master of Fine Arts - Theatre - Theatre for Youth
    Master of Urban Design
    Master of Urban and Environmental Planning - City Building and Urban Structure
    Master of Urban and Environmental Planning - Environmental and Resiliency Planning
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering - Industrial Statistics
    Master of Computer Science - Computer Science - Big Data Systems
    Master of Urban and Environmental Planning - Housing, Neighborhoods and Community Development
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering - Information and Management Systems
    Master of Urban and Environmental Planning - Spatial Analytics and Smart Cities
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering - Operations Research
    Master of Urban and Environmental Planning - Transportation Planning and Policy
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering - Production Systems
    Master of Visual Communication Design - Advanced Standing
    Master of Visual Communication Design
    Master of Business Administration - Undecided
    Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    Master of Business Administration - Consulting
    Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    Master of Business Administration - Finance
    Master of Business Administration - Information Systems Management
    Master of Business Administration - Marketing
    Master of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management
    Master of Arts - Women and Gender Studies
    Dual Degree - Master of Architecture - Advanced Standing & Master of Business Administration
    Dual Degree - Master of Architecture & Master of Business Administration
    Master of Computer Science - Computer Science - Cybersecurity
    Master of Computer Science - Computer Science
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Algorithms/Theoretical Computer Science
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions & Master of Mass Communication - Journalism
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Arts, Media and Engineering
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Bioinformatics
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Aided Geometric Design
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Architecture/VLSI Design
    Dual Degree - Master of Sustainability Solutions - Sustainability - Communication & Master of Mass Communication


修业期间 52 Weeks 签证情报 I-20
宿舍设施 寄宿家庭, 学校内宿舍/住宿, 学校外住宿设施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 78.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 90
    Min IELTS overall: 7
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 105
    Min PTE overall: 60


2026-01-05 2025-08-25
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
522 ~ 52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 26,100
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  •  -  校内住宿
    寄宿 (OvECS, Ltd.)宿舍公寓
    费用$660/4周$800/ 4周 /2人间, 公用卫生间$330-$900
    月基准预想食费2 餐/一天包含$400 利用宿舍共用厨房或者利用个别厨房, 可以利用ASU Meal plan Meal Plan; $515(8周), $275(4周)$400 可以利用ASU Meal Plan , 可以利用个别厨房
    其他经费没有保证金,包含吃饭,免费接机$0-$70 有偿停车, 无线网络,多样的文化,提供社会课程$75-$200 管理费用(电气,水费,网费,停车等) 不同的公寓会有不同的差异
    距离从学校徒步或者利用大众交通 5-30分距离
    从学校徒步或者利用大众交通 5-30分距离
    房间形态独间1人间 or 2人间 可以选择个别浴室 or 共同浴室 选择不同 费用多样 , 4周/8周 都可以可以 1人间
     -  学生与家庭同居


  • 亚利桑那州位于美国西南方,它以壮丽的景观着名(如:大峡谷)。这裡有沙漠和山脉地形,提供了多样化的娱乐活动,像是远足、滑雪、骑马、露营及钓 鱼…。这裡的印地安村庄和古老的西部市镇,更是带给观光客们独特的感受。有许多令人兴奋的旅游地点很接近亚利桑那州,包括圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯和 墨西哥。除此之外,亚利桑那州已经成为卓越的高科技(电脑、航空、电子工业…)中心。凤凰城是亚利桑那州的首都,它是许多职业运动组织的本部,像是亚利桑 那红雀队(足球)、凤凰城太阳队(篮球)、亚利桑那响尾蛇队(棒球)、凤凰城响尾蛇队(曲棍球)。


  • 篮球场,食堂,计算机中心,健身中心,体育馆,语言技术中心,图书馆,音乐练习室,球/壁球场,娱乐公园,跑道,小吃店,足球场,游泳池,网球场,轮椅通道


  • 学生的国籍,包括亚洲,南美,欧洲等国家。该百分比可能每个月变化。


Image 2015-04-22 16:17:19


애리조나주립대 입학을 위한 어학연수
1. AECP 프로그람을 이수하면 애리조나 주립대학에 입학할 수 있습니까? 
-> 네 조건부 입학이 가능합니다.

2. AECP의 1개 새션이 1레벨을 마치기 위한 기간(8주)이며 6개 레벨로 되어있으면 6개 베벨을 이수하기 위하여 48주 이후 입학이 가능합니까? 
-> 한국학생분들의 경우에는 레벨 테스트로 대게 2-3 레벨로 배정이 되시며 수업 종료 후 다시 레벨 테스트로 빠르게 레벨을 올리시는 것이 가능합니다.

3. 애리조자 주립대학의 학비는 어떻게 되나요 감사합니다
-> 연간 약 22000불 정도 고려를 부탁드리겠습니다.

Image 2017-06-16 14:39:59




• 全米で最も大規模な集中英語プログラム - 150人以上のベテラン教授陣を抱え、その全ては修士号を取得しています。
• カスタマイズ可能なカリキュラム - 大学や企業、政府機関に対してニーズに合ったプログラムを開発、提供しています。
• ASU学位プログラムへの高い進学率 - グローバル・ラウンチの学生のほとんどは世界でも有数な学位プログラムを提供するASUに進学しています。
• 革新的なリーダーを育成する集中英語プログラム - 年間5回の開講日があります。
• 盛んな課外活動 - 教室外でもアメリカ文化の体験を通して学ぶことを目的とし、教室外でも・キャニオンへの旅行、プロスポーツ観戦、世界的レベルの美術館やギャラリー訪問などアクティビティが盛んです。
• 幅広いホームステイの機会 - アメリカの実生活を体験するのに最適な幅広いホームステイの機会が提供されています。


2 有对学校的建议平价
  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (4.5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4.5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (4.5)

  • 学校评价 (4.7)

  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (4)

  • 学校评价 (4.4)

Image 2015-04-24 15:34:46


대학교에서 운영하는 어학원이다보니 도서관이나 카페테리아 등 대학 내 시설을 자유롭게 이용할 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 무엇보다 도서관을 이용할 수 있다는 게 좋았고요. 학내 클럽도 원하면 가입해서 어학당 외 친구들도 사귈 수 있다는 것도 큰 장점이었네요. 사막지역이어서 우리나라와는 완전히 다른 기후를 가지고 있습니다. 여름에 습하진 않은데 햇살이 엄청 따가워요. 그 부분만 빼면 경관도 아름답고 즐길거리도 많아서 꽤 훌륭한 곳입니다.







Like 2809 I LIke

  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 (5)

  • 学校评价 (5)

Image 2017-06-16 15:02:02







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