專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 美国

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Minnesota State University, Mankato

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  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +15073891866
  • Fax
  • Address
  • 228, Wiecking Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato, MN 56001, United States



  • - 超过 14,000 名学生,包括来自 90 多个国家的 1,300 多名国际学生。
    - 超过 200 个学术学生团体、校内运动、领袖和宗教组织。
    - 鼓励大一和大二学生住在宿舍。


  • 明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校(MSU 或 MNSU)是一所位于明尼苏达州曼卡托的公立大学。 它成立于 1858 年,当时是第二州立师范学校,于 1866 年被指定在曼卡托,并于 1868 年作为曼卡托师范学校正式开学。 它是明尼苏达州立大学系统中第二古老的成员。 该大学也是美国第二大大学,在全球拥有超过 123,000 名毕业生。 它是七所州立大学中最全面的,被称为明尼苏达州立大学系统的旗舰大学。 它是明尼苏达州南部和该州经济的重要组成部分,因为它每年为明尼苏达州的经济增加超过 7.81 亿美元。


  • Accounting, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Alcohol and Drug Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    American Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    American Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Anthropology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Anthropology, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Alcohol and Drug Studies, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Applied Health Science, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health and Physical Education, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Applied Leadership, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Art, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Art Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Art History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Graphic Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Automotive Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Aviation, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Biochemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biochemistry, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Biology, General Non Specialized, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Cytotechnology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Ecology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Microbiology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Plant Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Toxicology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Zoology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Business Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry, ACS Approved, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering (BSCE)
    Cognitive Science, Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Communication Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mass Communication, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Mass Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mass Communication, Public Relations, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Communication Sciences and Disorders, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Computer Application Development, Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
    Computer Information Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Construction Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Construction Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Corrections, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Dance, Bachelor of Science (BS), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Therapy Pre-Professional, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Private Studio Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Education K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Economics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Creative Writing, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Creative Writing, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Communication Arts and Literature - Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    English Literature, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    English Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Technical Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Ethnic Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Exercise Science – General Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Exercise Science – Pre Physical Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dietetics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Child Development and Family Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Foods and Nutrition, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Family Consumer Science Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Film and Media Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Finance, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Food Science Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Gender and Women's Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Gender and Women's Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geography, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geography: Professional, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    German, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    German, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    German Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health Informatics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    History, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Humanities, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    International Business, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Law Enforcement, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Marketing, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mathematics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Medical Laboratory Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Education Instrumental General Music K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Education Vocal General Music K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Industry - Songwriting and Audio Production, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Nursing, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    RN Baccalaureate Completion Online, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Honors in Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Music Industry, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physical Education & Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Political Science, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Political Science, BA, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Leisure Planning Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Resource Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Therapeutic Recreation, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Scandinavian Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Chemistry Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Life Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Life Science Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Studies Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Work, Bachelor of Science Social Work (BSSW)
    Sociology: General Sociology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Spanish Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Spanish, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Spanish for the Professions, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Special Education Academic and Behavioral Strategist, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Sport Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Statistics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Statistics Actuarial Track, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Theatre Arts, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Theatre Arts Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts Design Technology, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts Musical Theatre, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Urban and Regional Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)


修业期间 52 Weeks


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-13 2024-08-26 2024-05-13
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 20,328
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 基本房型
    三人间 $5,895
    两人间 $6,545
    一人间 $8,685
    3 人套房双人全套卫浴 $6,875
    3 人套房单人全套卫浴 $9,120


  • 明尼苏达州位于美国中西部,毗邻加拿大和五大湖中最大的苏必利尔湖。 该州还有 10,000 多个其他湖泊,包括密西西比河的主要水源伊塔斯卡湖。 明尼阿波利斯和州首府圣保罗的“双子城”挤满了明尼苏达科学博物馆和现代艺术画廊沃克艺术中心等文化地标。


  • 明尼苏达州立大学校园目前包括 30 座建筑,占地 303 英亩。校园包括可容纳 3,000 名居民的宿舍式校内住宿、教学楼、主图书馆、音乐图书馆、两个天文台、替代能源和可再生能源。包括一个能源实验实验室、一个娱乐中心、一个田径综合设施、一个学生中心、一个行政中心和一个 50 多英亩的田径场。体育场包括 Blakesley 足球场。 明尼苏达州小牛队的男子和女子曲棍球队也使用 Verizon 中心和位于校外的四季球馆的行政空间。



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