專業顧問 商談諮詢


搜寻国家 美国

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Auburn University

相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 800+人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • +1 (334) 844-5753
  • Fax
  • Address
  • Auburn University 332 James E. Foy Hall Auburn, AL 36849


  • 大都市
  • 学校外住宿设施
  • 大学计画
  • 附带条件大学入学可能


  • - 在过去的20年里,美国新闻和世界报道称,奥本大学是美国的顶尖50个公立大学之一。
    - 这所大学共有140多个专业院校,专门从事诸如工程,农业,商业和人文学科等学科的学科,供您选择。
    - 奥本大学作为一名陆地,海洋和太空机构,每年都会收到有关这些领域的高级研究领域的经费,并每年举办一项学生研究讨论会,让这所大学对任何可能改变我们世界的课程都有很大的帮助。
    - 对于国际学生来说,从高中到美国的一所大学可能会有挑战性的语言环境,新的学习方式和新的家庭。 学生理事会的学士学位课程,从你的专业眼光,学到英语教学,英语教学和文化体验等方面,都可以减轻这一转变。
    - 奥本学校学生有300多个俱乐部和组织。


  • 奥本大学是1856年奥本市成立20年后成立的东阿拉巴马男子大学。 女性从 1892 年开始入学,使奥本成为州里最古老的四年制男女工学学校,东南第二古老的学校。 从1872年到1960年之间,我们几次更换学校名称,直到取名为奥本大学。 所以,名字能够很好地体现学校的位置,表现各种办学项目和专业院校更广泛的课程。 我们取得了二战以来最大的发展,目前有25万以上的毕业生。 奥本大学是由约3万名本科及研究生组成的大规模大学。 位于阿拉巴马州奥本(Auburn)小镇的大学社区,是大家安家的完美场所。 奥本是一个气候温和,拥有巨大机遇的小镇。 城区位于校园步行街内,有各式各样的餐厅和商店。 奥本(Auburn)是一所让你惊喜,让你有魅力,让你感动,让你参与的大学。 我们有苹果首席执行官(CEO),Habitat for Humanity and Wikipedia和维基百科的创始人,奥斯卡获奖女演员,体育传奇人物等。 本校是国内及世界知名公司寻找毕业生的大学。 是可以交一辈子朋友的大学。 作为全球拥有30万校友网络的大学,我把大家当成自己的家庭。 我们是一所能带领你走向成功的大学,就像数时代引领成功的几代虎士的成功一样。


  • 奥本大学提供设备和资源来帮助学生保持健康,健康和安全。 由于身体健康和健康服务,学生们可以享受到大量的资源。

入学制度 (附条件)

  • 即使你不符合我们的最低限度英语要求(IELTS或托福),你仍然可以在选择你选定的课程之前,按照你在选择的条件下完成英语课程。


  • 课程说明
    想对英语使用做准备吗? 通过词典的英语课程,您可以获得舒适地学习英语所需的强力语言支持. 提前完成英语课程后,大家将转入Extended Accelerator课程或Master's Accelerator课程,开始学习以获得学位。
    想提高英语口语,写作,阅读及听力能力吗? 为实现学业,专业或个人目标,Auburn Global为您提供符合您要求的英语学习选项。 通过Auburn Global学习英语的学生根据英语实力水平,被安排在5个级别中的一个。 各等级由越来越具有挑战性和接受性的4个阶段和掌握生产性语言能力的2个等级组成。
    每堂课每周进行10个小时。 课程中,学生通过特别设计的课程和活动,接受对话式培训,以达到个别语言目标。


修业规模 12 Students 修业期间 8, 16 Weeks
修业等级 6 签证情报 I-20 发行
最小年龄 16 宿舍设施 学校外住宿设施


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-13 2024-08-19 2024-05-16
※ 计画行程开学日 8, 16週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学 费
8 Week 16 Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 3,800 (USD)$ 7,600
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
8 weeks (USD)$ 2700

接 机

接 机
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Materials Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fitness, Conditioning, and Performance
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Materials Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fitness, Conditioning, and Performance
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Materials Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition/Dietetics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Software Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition/Dietetics
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Software Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Nutrition/Dietetics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Software Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Wellness
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Hardware
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Wellness
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Hardware
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nutrition - Wellness
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Hardware
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Physical Activity and Health
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Software
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physical Activity and Health
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Software
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physical Activity and Health
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Wireless Engineering - Software
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Physical Education/Teacher Education
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physical Education/Teacher Education
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physical Education/Teacher Education
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Ecological Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Ecological Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Ecological Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Forest Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Forest Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Biosystem Engineering - Forest Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Apparel Design and Production Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Apparel Design and Production Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Apparel Design and Production Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Merchandising
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Merchandising
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management - Merchandising
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Event Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Event Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Event Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Hotel and Restaurant Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Hotel and Restaurant Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management - Hotel and Restaurant Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - English - Professional and Public Writing
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Professional and Public Writing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English - Professional and Public Writing
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - French
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - French - International Trade
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French - International Trade
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French - International Trade
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - German
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Equine Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Equine Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Equine Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - German - International Trade
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Muscle Foods
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German - International Trade
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Muscle Foods
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German - International Trade
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Muscle Foods
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Global Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Production Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Global Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Production Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Global Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Animal Science - Production Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Fisheries and Aquaculture
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Marine Resources
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Marine Resources
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - Marine Resources
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Forestry
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Forestry
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Forestry
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Fruit and Vegetable Production
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Fruit and Vegetable Production
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Fruit and Vegetable Production
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies - Visual Media
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Landscape Horticulture
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies - Visual Media
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Landscape Horticulture
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Media Studies - Visual Media
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Landscape Horticulture
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Nursery and Greenhouse Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Nursery and Greenhouse Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Nursery and Greenhouse Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Pre-Landscape Architecture Emphasis
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Pre-Landscape Architecture Emphasis
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Horticulture - Pre-Landscape Architecture Emphasis
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Public Administration
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Administration
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Administration
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Food Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Food Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Food Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Social Work
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Poultry Production
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Social Work
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Poultry Production
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Social Work
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Poultry Science - Poultry Production
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Wildlife Ecology and Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Wildlife Ecology and Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Wildlife Ecology and Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - International Trade
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Business and Economics
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - International Trade
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Business and Economics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - International Trade
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Business and Economics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Communications
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Communications
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Communications
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Science
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Art
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Production Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Production Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Production Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Science Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Science Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Science Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Soil, Water, and Land Use Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Soil, Water, and Land Use Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Soil, Water, and Land Use Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Music
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Turfgrass Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Turfgrass Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science - Turfgrass Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music Education
    International Direct - Bachelor of Architecture
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music Education
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Architecture
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music Education
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Architecture
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Instrumental
    International Direct - Double Degree - Bachelor of Architecture & Bachelor of Interior Architecture
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Instrumental
    Academic Accelerator - Double Degree - Bachelor of Architecture & Bachelor of Interior Architecture
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Instrumental
    Extended Accelerator - Double Degree - Bachelor of Architecture & Bachelor of Interior Architecture
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Piano
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Piano
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Piano
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Voice
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design - Pre-Landscape Architecture Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Voice
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design - Pre-Landscape Architecture Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Voice
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design - Pre-Landscape Architecture Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Design and Technology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Industrial Design
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Design and Technology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Industrial Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Design and Technology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Industrial Design
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music Theatre
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Interior Design
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music Theatre
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interior Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Music Theatre
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interior Design
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Performance
    International Direct- Bachelor of Architecture - Pre-Architecture - Summer Design
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Performance
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Architecture - Pre-Architecture - Summer Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Performance
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Architecture - Pre-Architecture - Summer Design
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Production and Stage Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Primary Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Production and Stage Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Primary Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre - Production and Stage Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Primary Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Health Services Administration
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Quantitative Track
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health Services Administration
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Quantitative Track
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health Services Administration
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics - Quantitative Track
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Integrative Biology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Integrative Biology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Integrative Biology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Conservation and Biodiversity
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Conservation and Biodiversity
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Organismal Biology - Conservation and Biodiversity


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校外住宿设施


  • Academic Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Reading: 14.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 14.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 90
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Listening: 42, Min Reading: 42, Min Speaking: 42, Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Extended Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Reading: 12.0, Min Writing: 12.0, Min Listening: 12.0, Min Speaking: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.5, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.5, Min Speaking: 4.5)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 80
    Min PTE overall: 40 (Min Listening: 36, Min Reading: 36, Min Speaking: 36, Min Writing: 36)
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    International Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 54
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-13 2024-08-19 2024-05-16
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 31,384
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Agriscience Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Agriscience Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Business and Marketing Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Business and Marketing Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Early Childhood Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Early Childhood Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Education - English for Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Education - English for Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - English Language Arts Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - English Language Arts Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Foreign Language Education - French
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Foreign Language Education - French
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Science Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Science Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Music Education - Instrumental
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Music Education - Instrumental
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Music Education - Vocal
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Music Education - Vocal
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Reading Education
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Reading Education
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Foreign Language Education - Spanish
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Foreign Language Education - Spanish
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Computer Science and Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Computer Science and Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Computer Science and Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Materials Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Materials Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Materials Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Polymer and Fiber Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Polymer and Fiber Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Polymer and Fiber Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Biosystems Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Biosystems Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Biosystems Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Community Planning
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Community Planning
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Community Planning
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Public Administration
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Public Administration
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Public Administration
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Computer Science and Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Statistics
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Materials Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Statistics
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Statistics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Probability and Statistics
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Cybersecurity Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,420.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Probability and Statistics
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Cybersecurity Engineering
    TUITION FEE$34,600.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Master of Probability and Statistics
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 1 - Master of Science - Cybersecurity Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator - Track 2 - Master of Science - Cybersecurity Engineering
    TUITION FEE$27,000.00 USD


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校外住宿设施


  • Master's Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Reading: 14.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 14.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Listening: 42, Min Reading: 42, Min Speaking: 42, Min Writing: 42)
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    Advanced Master's Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 74 (Min Reading: 16.0, Min Writing: 16.0, Min Listening: 16.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 115
    Min PTE overall: 50 (Min Listening: 46, Min Reading: 46, Min Speaking: 46, Min Writing: 46)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Direct Master's Accelerator 
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80 (Min Reading: 18.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 18.0, Min Speaking: 18.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 55
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-13 2024-08-19 2024-05-16
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用


学 费
学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 27,000
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 选项A:标准公寓生活


  • 奥本是大约6万人的家,有着轻松友好的气氛。 学生和居民可以在125多家饭店里就餐,在60家商店,商店,店里逛16个公园,或者考察附近的16个公园。 奥本是一个有着温和气候和广阔机遇的小城市。 该市城区城区步行距离远超过学校,包括各种餐馆和商店。 在短短10分钟的车程中,学生们可以参观几家电影院或购物中心,甚至在附近的5个高尔夫球场里打球。



0 有对学校的建议平价
  • 课程满足度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 学校设施 气氛

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 宿舍设施满意度

  • 学校评价 ()

  • 学校评价 (0)