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Auburn University at Montgomery

English as a Second Language, AUM
相片集 亲自向学校询问



  • 正式成员(在学生数)
  • 5211人
  • 接机
  • Telephone
  • 334-244-3182
  • Fax
  • Address
  • 700 Young Library Tower Montgomery, Alabama, 36117


  • 外郊都市
  • 校内宿舍/宿舍
  • 大学计画
  • 附带条件大学入学可能


  • - 位于阿拉巴马蒙哥马利
    - IELTS 考试场所
    - 优秀的教学课程及教师团队

 English as a Second Language, AUM 关于

  • 奥本大学蒙哥马利分校提供很多ESL(英语作为第二语言的课程)及多样服务,从而使不是以英语为母语的学生们可以得到专门的针对个人化的语言提升及作文能力的提升。集中为英语课程,ESL交流项目,专业英语,以及设有雅思考试中心及语言文化学院。而且 AUM ESL是在阿拉巴马州唯一设有的雅思考试场所。在AUM 集中英语课程报名的所有学生都可以通过AUM ESL 进入IELTS 预备班。同时提供TOEFL考试。奥本大学蒙哥马利分校在美国新闻和世界报道中是美国南部最好的大学之一。被普林斯顿杂志评为最好的商业学校。AUM的经营系位列于全世界所有的商业学校上位圈1%。 AUM的学生在5所其他的大学注册超过90个领域的课程。


  • 1967年位于阿拉巴马的首都的奥本大学蒙哥马利分校与River Region为了那之后的学生以最好的大学而闻名。2018年奥本大学蒙哥马利分校(Auburn University at Montgomery)在 US News & World Report 对于南部地方大学学部讲义质量评比中评为22位 在对应地区的公立大学中处于38位。AUM在普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)中 得到了东南部最高水准的大学的认证 根据维多利亚媒体的报道该校是被评为"军事化学校"唯一的河流地区大学。奥本大学蒙哥马利分校在竞争激烈的领域方面还获得了2018年Montgomery Advertiser Reader 's Choice Award。得到南部大学及大学研究委员会认证的AUM 提供超过90个领域的大学本科及研究生学位的课程及认证。学生加入到绿色的校园中可以通过线上便利地学习也可以通过混合路线的转达将两种融合在一起。我们的学生从因产业经验而获得多样富有学术专业性奖的教学团队那里可以获得更深层的知识和实际经验。而且比起其他的,看到学生与教授的比率17 : 1就可以得知教授的珍贵了。学校提供的课程几乎50%都是不超过20名的学生构成,提供个性化及富有魅力的学习经验。学校还提供超过60个的学生俱乐部和团体,以及提供正式带有NCAA Division II会员资格的运动课程等相应的校园交流活动。

入学制度 (附条件)

  • 没有准备好TOEFL IBT 61, IELTS 5.5 的学生通过AUM 语学研修 Intensive English Program, 或结束AUGlobal's GLOB 0310登记课程, 接近 ELS  Level 112 即可符合条件入学。


  • AUM的集中英语项目(IEP)为国际社会提供模范英语教育。 这个课程特别设计,让留学生掌握掌握英语,学业,职业及个人生活中成功所需的技能。

    向16岁以上的学生开放的Montgomery ESL项目的Auburn大学,以各学生的英语水平开始,达到完全学习英语的目标。 所有ESL学生首先接受的是决定自己目前英语水平,有助于掌握所需科目的安排考试。 路线分为初级,中级,中级,高级5种等级。 学生水平决定的话会帮助学生选择科目。 ESL课程一般由8名到14名学生组成,为期8周,一年。 从8周内可以开始。 学生们根据英语半编考试分数和口语能力被安排在不同的水平。

    Time Course Language Level
    9:00am - 10:30am Reading and Discussion Beginner & Low Intermediate, Intermedidiate, High-Intermediate
    10:45am - 12:15pm Grammar and Writing Beginner & Low Intermediate, Intermedidiate, High-Intermediate
    1:30pm - 3:00pm Listening and Speaking Beginner & Low-Intermediate, Intermediadiate, High-Interm

    Level One Beginning & Low-Intermediate
    Level Two Intermediate
    Level Three High-Intermediate
    Level Four Advanced

    以8周为单位,每年开讲5次。 所有IEP课程持续90分钟。 到达AUM ESL后,学生将接受免费英语考试。 根据考试结果,学生由10-14名具有类似语言熟练水平的学生组成。

    在IEP考试中至少获得75%以上成绩的AUM ESL学生(不提交IELTS或TOEFL分数)将获得进入AUM的志愿资格。

    Intensive English Program(IEP)
    星期一-星期四,9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m。
    授课地点:Library Tower 7楼


修业规模 14 Students 修业期间 8, 16, 24, 32 Weeks
修业等级 4 签证情报 I-20 发放
最小年龄 16 宿舍设施 学校内宿舍/住宿


  • 没有特别得


2025-01-06 2024-06-03
※ 计画行程开学日 8, 16, 24, 32週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学校注册费        详细信息
学 费
8 Week 16 Week 24 Week 32 Week Week
(USD)$ 1,700 (USD)$ 3,400 (USD)$ 5,100 (USD)$ 6,800
Week Week Week Week Week

住 宿

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
16 weeks (USD)$ 1650

接 机

接 机
其 他


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Standard - Bachelor of Arts - English
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - English
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - English
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Biology
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Biology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Biology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Health and Toxicology
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Health and Toxicology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Health and Toxicology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Arts
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Arts
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Arts
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Art History
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Art History
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Fine Arts - Art History
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - History
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - History
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - History
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Applications
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Applications
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Applications
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Infrastructure
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Infrastructure
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems - Infrastructure
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies - Religious Studies
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies - Religious Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies - Religious Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Legal Studies
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Legal Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Legal Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Exercise Science
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Exercise Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Exercise Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Physical Education (P-12)
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Physical Education (P-12)
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Physical Education (P-12)
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Sport Management
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Sport Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology - Sport Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Math
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Math
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Math
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Traditional Math
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Traditional Math
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Trad or Pre-Engineering - Traditional Math
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Medical Laboratory Science
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Medical Laboratory Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Medical Laboratory Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Pre-Nursing
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Pre-Nursing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Pre-Nursing
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor - Organizational Leadership
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor - Organizational Leadership
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor - Organizational Leadership
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - English Language Arts
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - English Language Arts
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - English Language Arts
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - Mathematics Education
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - Mathematics Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - Mathematics Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - General Science Education
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - General Science Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - General Science Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - History and Social Sciences
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - History and Social Sciences
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education - History and Social Sciences
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Marriage and Family
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Marriage and Family
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Marriage and Family
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Pre-Social Work
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Pre-Social Work
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology - Pre-Social Work
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (K-6) and Elementary Education
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (K-6) and Elementary Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (K-6) and Elementary Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (6-12)
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (6-12)
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Collaborative Teacher (6-12)
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Science - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Science - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathway - Bachelor of Science - Undeclared
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Standard - Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Culture - Chinese and East Asian Studies
    TUITION FEE$18,655.00 USD

    Academic Bridge - Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Culture - Chinese and East Asian Studies
    TUITION FEE$19,215.00 USD

    Language Pathw


修业期间 52 Weeks 宿舍设施 学校内宿舍/住宿


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 73.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 61
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    Min PTE overall: 44
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-06 2024-06-03
※ 计画行程开学日 52週可以选择週(月)期间

费 用

学 费

学 费
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 19,215
Week Week Week Week Week

宿 舍

期间 寄宿家庭 学校内宿舍/住宿 学校外宿舍设施
Semester (USD)$ 1650

接 机

接 机
接 机


  • *日期和费用为近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • P-40 Place
    P-40 Place提供完备的厨房(冰箱,微波炉,斯托布塔)及居住用工具,宽敞的客厅及休息室及餐厅等共同生活便利设施的2人或4人公寓。 2 人学生公寓由完备的个人卧室和各居民用卫生间及公用厨房组成。 4个学生公寓设计为2个学生共用一个齐备的卧室,并为大家提供公用厨房空间。
    Spring 2018
    2 students: $4,000
    4 students $2,600

    Summer 2018
    2 students:$2,540
    4 students:$1,650

    Warhawk Hall
    Warhawk Hall是一栋将1,2,3人室混合在一起的高级公寓。 各楼盘宽敞,包括客厅和卧室家具,户型齐全。 每个楼层有两个学习区域和很多休闲区域。
    Spring 2018 $3,515-$4,405
    Summer 2018 $2,314-$2,940

    The Commons
    8层建筑的Commons兼具舒适性和安全性。 有私人衣柜,床,衣柜及书桌的私人房间。 4人间只共享包括冰箱,柜子空间,沙发及餐桌的客厅及餐厅空间。 "Curmanz门票将通过刷卡支付,前台工作人员夜间监控楼宇。"
    Spring 2018 $3,085
    Summer 2018 $2,095

    AUM公寓以合理的价格提供。 与其他许多地方不同,这里不对有线电视及洗衣服务等公共设施或便利设施支付额外费用。 健康中心,Roost咖啡馆,图书馆就在附近。
    沃霍尔 (Warhawk) 公共交通
    《The Nest》全年无休入场
    24/7 监视摄像机


  • 蒙哥马利位置

    阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市是一个充满活力和多样的城市,人口超过230,000人。 阿拉巴马的首都,有着悠久的历史。 蒙哥马利位于文艺复兴的中心,繁华的繁华街道。 大部分开发都在沿着Riverwaalk成长。 在这里可以找到漂亮的餐厅,娱乐场所,棒球等。 自由公园(Riverfront Park)的角设有可容纳约6,000名观众的圆形剧场(The Amphiteatre),并持续举办演唱会,戏剧及特别活动。 因为阿拉巴马河位于舞台后面,所以可以看到更精彩的前景。 蒙哥马利有繁荣的艺术场面。 另外,还可以找到画廊,芭蕾,演唱会现场。 如果你想在户外活动,蒙哥马利可以使用罗伯特 ∙ 特伦特 ∙ 琼斯高尔夫球场,那里有很多徒步旅行和自行车道,而且经常有河. 它位于蒙哥马利的中心地带,因此可以轻松移动到诸如山,海滩,伯明翰,亚特兰大和纳什维尔这样的大城市。


  • IEP 学生服务
    TOEFL/IELTS 试验 (追加费用)
    -Cadio Room(心脏健康管理运动)
    -Welcome Week(欢迎周)
    -AUM Fest
    -Spring Festival
    -Theatre AUM



0 有对学校的建议平价
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  • 学校设施 气氛

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  • 讲师及学校负责人之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 学业外活动之满意度

  • 学校评价 ()
  • 宿舍设施满意度

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  • 学校评价 (0)